View Full Version : breathless and other symptoms

04-10-13, 13:00
hey the other day i went upstairs in my house and felt very out of breath and then went up some more stairs and back down again, this was all at once and my heart started going crazy and i felt like i was gunna pass out and i couldn't breathe. This has happened a few times. I feel out of breath sometimes by just getting up from the sofa and i get the palpitations too. I sometimes get a racing mind or feel like everything is going really fast its horrible. I cant watch horror films anymore or anything to do with someone who is ill because i will sometimes feel very uncomfortable and sometimes feel sick or get palpitations. I hate feeling like this everyday. I also get weird sensations/pains in my head alot of the time. It takes me so long to fall to sleep, because i hate feeling my pulse, i actually grind my teeth alot of the time just so then i don't feel my heartbeat as im falling to sleep because it scares me :( i get sooo many symptoms everyday and have done for a year now nearly. I'm having a second ecg done in a few days and bloodwork, as the doctor thinks im anaemic which can cause palpitations apparently also im on a waiting list for CBT but it could take 3 months apparently and im desperate :( 1 other thing i always get this overwhelming feeling of something bad is going to happen or im gunna die :( its completely ruined my life I've had panic since a few months after i had my daughter but i have had bad anxiety since i was probably 11, and it has gradually got worse im 23 now. I will appreciate any replies, thanks.

---------- Post added at 12:55 ---------- Previous post was at 12:27 ----------

some of my other symptoms too are i feel like my neck is being squeezed or has a lump in it all the time and i always get twitching on my ribs and pains in my left arm aswell i could go on and on i have so many symptoms all the time.

---------- Post added at 13:00 ---------- Previous post was at 12:55 ----------

and another this weird clicking in my chest aswell i feel like it clicks and then something moves down into my chest i cant even explain it

05-10-13, 18:19
Alright Natalie, I have your symptoms aswell. your not alone and I know it's horrible, I pretty much think I'm going to drop dead every day , due to numerous symptoms. I got the head ones before aswell. I also get heart squeezing, brain feels like it's bouncing, squeezing etc, right now I'm focusing on my heart, I check my pulse a lot aswell, even on nights out. My first panic attack was the pounding heart, then it felt like it stopped an restarted again, or jumped in my chest, thought that was my time, called an ambulance and everything , mine were brought on by drugs and it's probably why I cant let go of the fear of death.. In typing this reply I've already checked my pulse 3 times. that's the extent of my paranoia.. I've got the rib twitching aswell, .
Here's amy synptoms , all of these come on randomly and it's uadually. Either one or two happening oat different times , symtpom shifting aswell.
head pressure and squeezing .
Heart sensations like pulling , jumping
Racing heart
Weird scary smell.
Hot. Flash
Heart thud
Left arts tingling and ache
Weak /strong pulse
fear of death at atll times ,
Thinking heart will stop
Heart achess
Feeling heavy at times
frequent urination
Waves of terror
Heart making sounds like stomach noises
chest tightness once, for which I called ambulance
Waking up in a panic attack
Brain fog
Racing mind
Inability to think clearly
symptom shifting
and like u know yourself , many man more , the list is exhaustive .
Do u mind if I ask fa bit more about your symtpoms aswell? Coz it will help reassure me Natalie , would like to compare coz u sound similar to me. And I like reassurance haha

05-10-13, 18:59
i get all of your symptoms, and the weak/strong pulse i get that all the time and it freaks me out i also clicking in my chest too which scares me. Its ok lol i am exactly the same as you.. Erm i dno what else to tell you.. I get a ridiculous amount of symptoms everyday and i get this weird thing where it feels like a part of my body is shaking or something i cant even explain it. I also get it sometimes where my chest feels like its buzzing aswell. Do you have email?? Could chat to you by email and we can reassure eachother lol xx

05-10-13, 21:37
. I do get buzzing sensations sometimes aswell. do you ever get it when you wake up in the morning and feel horrible, like almost disorientated. hard to describe haha. Xxx

---------- Post added at 21:32 ---------- Previous post was at 21:28 ----------

Do you ever think that it's only a matter of time before you die, that's what my symptoms cause me to believe . like do u ever get frustrated and believe everyone is wrong and that your death is approaching, extreme I know, but that's how I feel sometimes

---------- Post added at 21:37 ---------- Previous post was at 21:32 ----------

My email address is kieronman@hotmail.com. Do u have Facebook , would be easy to talk on there , I think we can both help each other out a great deal .

05-10-13, 22:27
What you mean is you get that overwhelming feeling of dread and that something bads gunna happen.. I get it a few times everyday and before i have panic attacks i feel really weird and get sinking/butterflies in my stomach/chest and then my heart starts pounding i had it tonight and felt like i was gunna pass out or something bad was gunna happen :( but sometimes there completely different and i get things like i will start shaking and not beable to stop its horrible and they make u feel so tired after aswell. I will email you now :) and yeh i have Facebook xxx

05-10-13, 23:46
Yeah I hate the dread one, it makes me feel like I'm gonna collapse all the time. I only started having panic attacks and anxiety like 3 months ago so it's all new to me and I hate it, definitely the worst thing that has happened to me. Do you ever fear that your anxiety isn't anxiety and that you fear dying at times ? , just gonna add you On Facebook now if you'll be kind enough to accept.:)

---------- Post added at 23:46 ---------- Previous post was at 23:27 ----------

Silly me forgot to ask where your from so I can't find you on Facebook . Haha.You sound like you have an awful time with all these symtpoms aswell, I can truely empathise with you as it's horrible and mates and family find it hard to understand sometimes. My first panic attack was an awful experience , well all of them are but the first one had me call an ambulance as my heart was thumping , at one point it felt as though it stopped and started, then carried on beating, I was in the ambulance thinking, this is it , I'm gone, my friends was with me and he had a tear in his eye coz he thought I was in big trouble aswell. when I got to the hospital it was surprising as the paramedics and nurses were calm and they Wernt concerned at all, they said your going to be fine, that was it. since then I've not be the same guy. that underlying fear of what the hell happened to me and am I going to die , are they making a mistake has always been there. since then I've had symtpom shifts a lot . like right now I'm so concerned about my heart. the checking pulse thing is an awful habit now. it's so awful thinking your life is in danger. I really hope we both can get through this , and I hope you sleep well tonight. how are u feeling ? A bit better now hopefully?