View Full Version : Called in today.

04-10-13, 13:05
Hi everyone.

So I'm stressed, I get these wired burning like sensation on face and my hands and neck turn blotchy red don't itch so they are not hives. I get the face sensation for a week or more and I'm finding it very hard to cope and handle. I was supposed to work today and in the AM I called in saying I was sick I've never been sick on this job it's a fairly new job my dad even helped me get it so when he asked if I was going to work today I had to say no and this burning face is driving me mad and I'm very scared. I can't let this ruin my life. I feel alone, scared, i wish this sensation will go away and I wish I didn't phone in, but I did cause I'm not well in my head I'm sick and people don't get it they don't understand my sensation on my face is driving me to this. When I'm at work I get really worse, there are no distractions for me there so my mind goes really bad. My boss who I called didn't sound like he believed that I was sick which I am, I'm not contagious but I'm still sick right?? Now I can add to my mind my job is in jeopardy too:( oh how to feel, how to act, I'm not sure what to do here?

Anyone please can u help me? I have to feel better!!

05-10-13, 22:18
Tinker, the way you describe this sounds to me like you get very nervous and self-conscious. If I am feeling self-conscious then my face goes very red. I end up feeling hot all over. Even if I can control the feeling of heat in my body, my face stays red for ages. I used to have a friend who got a very red neck if they were stressed & I have seen this in other people too, even confident appearing people too. Perhaps it would be a good idea to see your doctor and discuss what might be happening here. There is plenty that can be done to help you. Do you feel you'd be able to talk toy your father or perhaps a friend you trust about this?