View Full Version : breathless day and night

04-10-13, 13:13
Hi just after some advice I have anxiety and panic and go through a hole array of symptoms but at the moment I have the horrible breathless feeling not enough air forcing my self to breath, shallow breathing the lot its horrible but I am getting this at night as well if I wake up after a few minutes my brain kicks in and bam can't breathe is this right you can get it at night as well as day time, have the breathless feeling now and im scared, thanks for reading toria x

04-10-13, 17:37
There are lots of breathing exercises online (and in books, try Amazon). Lie on your back and lightly hold your ribs and make them expand with each in-breath.

Also, remember - even if you feel you aren't getting enough air in, you ARE. That alone is usually enough to get me through. x

05-10-13, 00:52
Thanks for your reply have tried some breathing exercises they help thanks toria x

05-10-13, 00:55
There are breathing exercises on here:


05-10-13, 01:00
Thank you going to have a read x