View Full Version : Cancer spread TO the skin - please help

04-10-13, 16:46
Okay I'm at work and I'm on the verge of having a major panic attack.
I posted last week about these skin lesions I've got and being scared they are skin cancer.
I've also been having problems with swallowing/heartburn/constant burping for 6 months (on omeprazole but if anything makes the burping worse).
And 2 months ago, I started getting pain/tenderness in my right breast. On examination, it's more lumpy/ridgy then the other side.
The skin lumps I've got aren't getting any better and a new one popped up today.
So i googled and apparently it's very common for breast cancer to spread to the skin, especially to the chest, back, abdomen or arms area.
Please please help me. I'm in full blown panic mode and can't stop crying.


04-10-13, 17:09
Your swallowing etc could be anxiety related. I had the same for months but when I got better it went. Back again now my HA is back.

I am pretty sure that if you had breast cancer severe enough to spread you would know for sure! Doubt you would be sitting here typing. Breast cancer is usually painless and mine are always tender too.

Breasts are lumpy at times, especially depending on where you are in your cycle.

Can you describe the skin lesions?

Have you been to the GP? If you haven't seen a GP go ask them or a nurse to check your breasts, if you have already been given the all clear then you need to try to believe him xxxx

04-10-13, 17:14
What did the doctor say?

06-10-13, 09:24
if you read side effects omeprazole can cause breast tenderness you have had an accumilation attack as i call them where some symptoms fit together and terrify the life out of you i know its hard lilypippin but sit down with pen and paper and draw columns of for and against why it could be so serious i hate ha and i am presently waiting for results and am convinced i have cancer in at least two places God bless