View Full Version : Worried

04-10-13, 17:42
I'm worried about Ovarian Cancer.

About a week ago I started to get a pain in the upper left quadrant of my stomach. I wasn't like a stabbing pain or particularly bad I would say it was more of a discomfort. Anyway the pain has gone off but I've been having digestive issues, such as lots of gas, bloating, generally feeling uncomfortable in the stomach area and constipation alternating with diarrohea.

Now I had IBS years ago and do have the odd flare up but haven't had one for a while but that it what it's starting to feel like.

What has worried me is that on top of these symptoms I finished my period on Monday which was normal 5 days and then on Wednesday I discovered I was spotting a little bit again, not a lot but it's still happening and this would effectively be day 9 of my period.

So I'm now starting to worry about OC especially as I had the digestive symptoms before the period issue.

I am forty and last year I was having lots of issues with irregular cycles and spotting which was put down to a combination of my having an ectropion and my age. I had the ectropion treated in January and since then everything has been ok so I'm worried that this has started up again and I'm starting to think the worse.

My mum said she had loads of problems with her periods starting at 40 and she also gets the bloated/discomfort in her stomach and she doesn't even think the two are related she thinks it's IBS and just a few wacky hormones, but obviously my HA is screaming OC at me.

Any responses would be appreciated x

04-10-13, 20:40
I really feel for you. Maybe go see the doctor so she can put your worries to rest. Im not medical but it sounds pretty straight forward to me ... I had similar problems a few years ago in my twenties and it was fibroids. Painful but solvable!
I really hope you can relax over the weekend as this health anxiety is horrible!!
Keep smiling and try not to worry xx