View Full Version : Very weird thought stuck in my head

04-10-13, 20:38
Yesterday meningitis just suddenly entered my mind for no apparent reason and I can't get it to leave my head at all. I just keep saying No,no etc in my head and I can't seem to get rid of it, any advice would be appreciated.

Cheers jack

04-10-13, 20:52
Why meningitis?

Are you having specific symptoms that are making you fixate on meningitis in particular??

04-10-13, 20:52
No it just came in my head randomly, I'm fine. It's very weird

04-10-13, 21:01
I've found that singing the theme song to Gilligan's Island overpowers any odd thought that comes into my head. The only problem is that that'll drive you more batty than the original thought!! ;) ~lol~

Just sit right back
And you'll hear a tale
A tale of a fateful trip,
That started from this tropic port,
Aboard this tiny ship.
The mate was a mighty sailin' man,
The Skipper brave and sure,
Five passengers set sail that day,
For a three hour tour,
A three hour tour.........

Good luck!