View Full Version : hi from Canada

04-10-13, 22:09
Hi, I am new to the site. I am 50 years old and from Ontario Canada.
I hve suffered from panic for 30 years or so and am still going thru a very difficult time. Most of my panic is related to fear of dying, specifically cancer and heart attacks, things like this. Right now i am terrified I have lung cancer as I am having shoulder and upper back issues. Can anyone ele relate?


04-10-13, 22:13
:welcome:there is lots of help and support here and I can relate to what your going threw

Veronica H
04-10-13, 23:11
:welcome:to NMP. This is a friendly site with good information and support. xV

05-10-13, 17:07
Hi - I hope you find some comfort here - it must be very frightening to deal with those feelings all the time x

05-10-13, 20:51
Hello and welcome to the site. I'm sure you'll find lots of help and support here.

05-10-13, 20:54
Hi there I to can relate to this and I love this site!

06-10-13, 08:45
Hi and welcome. This site has helped me so much. pleased you found it :)

06-10-13, 23:12
Hi there! My younger daughter and her French boyfriend are planning to move to Montreal within the next few months.

Not that that helps with your anxiety... :doh:

Welcome to the forum! :)


08-10-13, 17:28
Thanks everyone for the welcomes :) hoping to find help here, appreciate the responses :)

08-10-13, 19:07
Hey Sher - welcome :)

Hope that you find comfort and support. There's plenty of people in the same boat as you kicking around these parts :hugs:

08-10-13, 20:02
Hello Fellow Canadian (and Ontarian)!

Welcome to the site. Lots of good folks and support to be found here. Take care.

24-11-13, 04:51
Again thanks everyone, i need to come around here more often instead of going to webmd!!! thanks again for the support