View Full Version : Burning patch on forehead!!

04-10-13, 22:39
Hi I've just had a really weird sensation in my head, it felt like a biting sensation literally like something hot was on my head. Just a small patch on my left forehead, I've never felt it before and now I've got pain on my head where it was! And now it feel like my whe head is burning up!!! I'm scared.
I'm freaking out now that its an anyurism or a stroke!!

Is this panic?
Hannah x x

05-10-13, 01:15
Hi Hannah just wanted to say that I've had this on random parts of my body I've had it all day and night today a hot patch just above my left knee it drives me mad and also I do have it on my head aswel and get head aches aswell.

Kind regards Vicky x

05-10-13, 01:26
Was it a one off and gone now?