View Full Version : How does your Thyroid affect your anxiety?

04-10-13, 22:52
Hi, I'm just interested to know how your thyroid can affect your anxiety? And to what level?
For months my panic abated and I felt good! All of a sudden it came back worse that ever but completely out of the blue, I was dizzy, tired, lethargic so I had blood tests done they came back and my Dr said there were problems withy thyroid, my blood sugar, my glucose levels and Thyroid antibodies.
Can this really affect my anxiety that badly? I feel terrible and highly anxious all the time but a month ago I was fine!! Whats happening? I've been referred to a specialist but not until December I'm freakig out!!

Hannah x x

Dizzy dog
04-10-13, 23:15
Hi Hannah your thyroid can cause you lots of grief sadly have you been put on meds ? Are hypo or hyper? I'm hypo but my anxiety can go mad when my meds are out .

04-10-13, 23:20
I assume you will be given thyroxine?

I have an underactive thyroid and i can categorically state, if your levels aren't right it can make you feel dreadful.

I was put on a low dose of thyroxine after my daughter was born and that was fine. However, when I was pregnant with my second, I was so bad I thought I was going mad. The midwife told me not to go to the doctor because I would be given anti-depressants and that might harm the baby.

However, because I needed thyroxine, I was under a specialist consultant who monitored my levels closely. When the blood test results came back, she went mental and was annoyed the doctors hadn't adjusted my medication, because it can also affect the development of the baby.

Less than a week of being put on the correct level of medication and I felt more human again.

I'm not sure if it is the same, it was the dr who gave me the medication when they first noticed I needed it and I only saw a specialist when I was pregnant, although that's not to say that different health authorities don't have different ways of doing things.

If it is something that can be regulated by thyroxine (which it usually is), it can be remedied relatively simply and quickly.

My suggestion would be to go to the doctor, find out a bit more and see if being on thyroxine might help - it can make a huge difference and yes it can make you feel horrible if you are not on the right level.

Mine is underactive, so other symptoms when not on the right level can include constipation, putting on weight and feeling cold. My mum says she gets headaches if she doesn't take hers, i don't get those.

04-10-13, 23:24
Hi Dizzy,

I never knew it could cause so many problems!
To be honest at the moment I really don't know what's wrong, my Drs confused also. After the blood results came back, two lots different times, he said that my Thyroid is ok but I have a very high level of Thyroid antibodies, extremely high blood sugar and glucose levels but he doesn't know for sure whats going on. I have a appointment with a endocrinologist in December but its such a long way away and I'm freaking out!
I've heard things about cancer, iodine problems, diabetes and I'm so confused! And scared!!

Can i ask Do thyroid problems stay with you for life? And do you feel better, anxiety wise, when your on thyroid medication?

Hannah xx

04-10-13, 23:32
My thyroid is also fine, it is my pituitary gland that causes the issue with mine, just making my thyroid work a bit harder - something to do with T4 (I have no idea).

In answer to your questions:

Will you be on it for life? - yes, they'll take a blood test every 6 months to make sure you're on the right level because it can fluctuate. However, you'll also be entitled to free prescriptions.

Will it help your anxiety once you are on it? Categorically 100% yes. That's not to say you won't have anxiety issues, but when I'm not on the right level, the thought that goes through my mind is "What the hell is up with me?" When I'm on the right level - it goes.

---------- Post added at 23:32 ---------- Previous post was at 23:29 ----------

Also wanted to say, if it is something else that is treatable, that it causing your thyroid to act differently, then treatment for that might mean that your thyroid goes back to normal and you won't need thyroxine.

Dizzy dog
04-10-13, 23:32
Hannah sorry your left in the dark December is a wait, hyperthyroidism can be treated and go away but hypothyroidism is life meds sadly, I did feel better once on meds but you need to change your dose at times because it can go up and down my anxiety is a rollorcoaster when meds are out its a hard thing to have sorry to say. You may find you have a virus I'm sure you don't have cancer they would be doing more test now , but I know how tough it is when you don't have the answers x