View Full Version : Maybe chostocondritis? Weird lumps on chest

05-10-13, 02:34
Hey all, I am new to panic, have only dealt with it for a year with varying symptoms and used to get lots of stress knots on my back. I have a friend who is also a good doctor and one night while hanging out he gave me a quick diagnosis of chostocondritis by feeling my chest and asking where it hurt. Usually the pain is in the sternum, have had heaviness, discomfort, aching, and more recently burning. I have been developing knots in my chest you can feel them as you rub your finger across them. They are on my pecs and across the hard parts of my chest. You can only feel them when pressing a finger against the chest wall and rubbing. They don't always hurt but one night I pushed in on one and it sent a sharp shock of pain through my chest and out my back near my shoulder blade. It physically made me cry out. I get the sharp pains that do that once in a great while. the discomfort also happens around supper time after ive eaten too. Once in awhile I will get the aching in my back too, I'm thinking its musculoskeletal but at first I was so terrified it was my heart - not gonna go into all the panic I've had with that. Pressing around the area i can duplicate the pain but its not severe, it never is, just aches. If it helps I'm male, 26, 270 lbs (yeah, a bit overweight recently) and a non smoker. I exercise 2-3x a week, and lately wife has been giving back massages which help. So what are these knots? Weird for sure. They hurt sometimes other times they don't. I don't get anxiety first, usually the pains come first. Can this just be my body crying out from so much stress?

05-10-13, 19:33

I guess I may schedule a doctor's appointment to see what they say about the lumps. I'm not overly worried but I can feel them more prominently now. Could be fatty tumors, my dad has them. Although these do produce pain, so whatever. Just wondering if anybody knows what these could be and if they are anxiety related!