View Full Version : advice please no cit until monday

05-10-13, 09:04

Dropped a bollock , its saturday morning and run out of citralaoram i cant get my repeat until monday morning , so 2 days without , i take 20 mg and been fine now for 18 months .

Will i get any withdrawel symtyms in just 2 days ?

Feel stupid to have run out .

Has anyone ever missed 2 days and been ok ?

05-10-13, 09:11
Hi mel, i have no experience with meds, however I would just like to thank you for cheering me up, how you introduced the thread with dropped a bollock has made my day! Hope you are feeling better, sorry I couldn't have given you more advise, over this past week I have dropped a number of ******** and my first cbt starts today, you managed to put a smile on a very miserable face!

05-10-13, 09:21
Hi mate

Thanks for reply :)

Hope the cbt goes well for you , these citralapram have really turned my life around over the last 18 months i just panicked this morning when the box was empty .

I guess 2 days with out wont see me back to square one .

05-10-13, 11:31
Sometimes the chemist that you normally get your medication from, will issue an emergency supply just for a couple of days, so I'd pop along and see if they can do this for you :)

It's not really a good idea to have breaks from taking them, but if worse comes to worse, I wouldn't think that you'd get any withdrawal symptoms in a couple of days, so long as you're able to get some on Monday :)

05-10-13, 11:38
Sorted :yahoo:

Nipped into the Chemist i always get the tabs from , explained what had happened , they had all my details on file and basically lent me 2 tabs off my repeat prescription to be collected on Monday , its normal practice it seems for empty heads who forget to collect there prescription from the Doctors .

The answer to weather i would get with drawal symtyms from missing 2 days was said to be very unlikely any way .

Strange how as soon as i got the tablets and not even taken one i felt more relaxed .

So if you read this anyone after googling in a panic like i did this morning , you can get an emergency supply but your not going to flake out before Monday anyway .

---------- Post added at 11:38 ---------- Previous post was at 11:35 ----------

Sometimes the chemist that you normally get your medication from, will issue an emergency supply just for a couple of days, so I'd pop along and see if they can do this for you :)

It's not really a good idea to have breaks from taking them, but if worse comes to worse, I wouldn't think that you'd get any withdrawal symptoms in a couple of days, so long as you're able to get some on Monday :)

Thanks Auntie

Looks like we were both typing at the same time :)

Yea thats what i did , thanks for help your reply it was appreciated

05-10-13, 12:32
You're most welcome, glad you got it sorted :)

05-10-13, 12:37
I thought I had run out if my fluoxetine this week (kept meaning to do a repeat prescription) but having got up early to drop one off at the doctors on my way to work... I decided to look in my drawer .... And hey presto there was a months supply. What a div. good job I looked. But it's worth me knowing u can get tablets from your usual pharmacy. I shall remember that but more importantly try to remember to check how much I have left rather than guess!!