View Full Version : New to site but long term anxiety probs

05-10-13, 12:15
Hi everyone. Where to start?
I'm lisa, aged 41, married 2 children. Good job, ok life but was diagnosed with panic disorder around 15 yrs ago.
I have been taking cipramil for over 10 yrs and the last 9 yrs I have been pretty much symptom free... Up until the last month. My dosage has been 20mg daily for a long time now but I have upped the dose to 30 mg this week as about a month ago I started getting my symptoms back. The dreaded anxiety in the mornings followed by the heavy weight in my head for the rest of the day. I really thought I had cracked it!! To be symptom free for soooo long. Happy, confident, the life and soul of the party and then crash!!!! I even have started training to become an optician and am in my first yr of my degree. Why???? Why has it come back??? I have had a stressful year, my mum moved abroad, my sister has had major problems, my gran died and my youngest is having some health issues. But normally I deal with these types of things so well!! V. Confuzed. Ty for listening xx

05-10-13, 12:20
:welcome:sorry to hear your not doing so good ,there is a lot of help and support here

05-10-13, 12:21
Ty. I feel I need to off load. My husband is lovely but doesn't really understand. I try to hide it but its soooo hard .

05-10-13, 12:28
Ty. I feel I need to off load. My husband is lovely but doesn't really understand. I try to hide it but its soooo hard .

know exactly were your coming from I feel like people get fed up with me so I hide it as much as I can ,but its not easy :weep:

05-10-13, 12:31
No. But we are not alone. Mental illness is so common eh. I suppose people have their own ways of dealing with things and ours come out like this. I can still function, I canush the panic attacks away so I must have learnt something over the past 10 yrs. I just want this fog to lift, this tension to go. I want to be me again. I have so much to live for. Damn brain!!!! I am here to listen too. It helps me. Xxx