View Full Version : End of the world fear!

28-10-06, 20:58
Oh my goodness. I really scared myself the other night, almost to the point of panic breathing!!!!
I was lying in bed and thought...one day i am going to bed dead and there is going to be no more world. No more people. No more anything. What happens to the rest of the universe when the end of the world comes? The world WILL END one day and there'll be nothing and quite frankly that scares the hell out of me.


28-10-06, 21:06
More important things to worry about, it won't happen while you're alive :)

28-10-06, 21:33

We have 2006 years that we have known of!now dont ask me about all that BC history stuff, but i have every intention on seeing flying cars and robots delivering food in cafe's!!

I often thought bout this fear, and honestly i think everyone has and everyone will fear it.

Try not to worry, and start visualising your speedy super cool new flying car!!

Becci x

28-10-06, 21:52
I tend to find i never worry about things like that as its something we would have no control over at all. So if we cant do anything about it, why worry.
anx x

Laughter is a tranquilizer with no side effects

28-10-06, 22:08
anxious i guess your right, but its the fear of having no controll that we fear!!!

Although... its not just us {the anxiety sufferers} that would just fear it, i expect,every indvidual will!

Sue K with 5
28-10-06, 22:59
Hello Sarah

I remember being 7 when I had my first panic over that and it got stronger as I got older, in the 80's we had starwars, Gorbechev, thatcher and Reagan playing the bosses and havign star wars attacks, trust me it was a scarier world then and although my biggest fear is death I somehow with the changes in 20 years managed to convince myself that no matter what happens these fear will never change what will happen and I am pretty sure it wont happen in your time honey

Try to focus on the positives in your life and live every day as full as you can.

Its hard I know to not focus on these things and can cause a lot of unhappiness as I have discovered but the world will not stop and change just because of our fears

Trust me I have tried

hugs for now



28-10-06, 23:18
i have a similar worry but its more about thinking about death and whats coming then! its hard not to think about it but we have to! it causes my heart and stomach to jump when this pops into my head but after chanting to myself not to worry and f**k it or it does not matter, it kind of helps.. find something to say to yourself when these thoughts pop in and then use it everytime hopefully you'll believe it! Its really easy for people to say no point thinking about it, its a lot harder than that! but we'll do it!