View Full Version : Exhausted all the time

05-10-13, 18:07
Hey , Ive been having a pretty hard time with my Anxiety and depression asnof late .
Does anyone else get absolutley exhausted day in day out ?
To the point youre constantly yawning and after aboyt an hour of making it out of bed , you just end up going back ?

I do my best to stay awake but lately I just cant keep my eyes open for longer than 4 hours :/
Ive never been this bad . Im just wondering if its to do with depression or something else ?


05-10-13, 18:12
Im the same from the minute I get up im sooooo tired ,some days im that tired I could cry its awful no energy your not on your own honestly :)

06-10-13, 16:12
Thanks !
I just feel super low through it.
Tried pushing through it but even if Im out and about I have to fight the sleepiness.
Its awful !
Really wish there was something I could do about it :( x

06-10-13, 16:17
That's exactly how I'm feeling. I have bouts of this. Had a lot of stress and upset recently and the tiredness is the worse is ever been. I keep telling myself it will pass, as it has in the past, but I've been in my bed for most of the last month. I have had the odd good day but that's about it.

Have you spoke to your GP about this? It might be worth asking if routine blood tests could be run just to confirm it is the anxiety and depression and nothing else.

06-10-13, 16:39
Do you go back to bed because you're physically tired or is there an element of wanting to sleep as it stops you having to think about how difficult things are? Is it more emotional tiredness rather than physical? This is sometimes a tricky one to answer as our minds are good at making us feel tired as a protective mechanism to help us cope but it's worth giving it some thought.

Pip x

06-10-13, 17:50
I'm tired alot too. It has been really getting me down lately, I'm so fed up. I have been told to do something when I feel this way but nothing I do makes me more awake. Are you on any medication? Just because I am starting to wonder if being on medication is making me tired, although I've been on meds over 5 years now and the tiredness had only been so bad this year.
Its very frustrating, especially when people think you are just lazy.

09-10-13, 09:11
I've been through this recently. The only thing that has really helped me is changing my diet. Wheat is a major cause of fatigue. I didn't realise it was affecting me until I gave it up completely. I don't have wheat or sugar anymore. I'm still recovering but feeling much better all around - way less anxiety, much more energy, skin and hair better etc.

09-10-13, 10:31
I find this a problem a lot as well.

Within a hour or so of waking up I am yawning and out of energy. And during the day I will fall asleep and it has got to a stage were I use energy tablets like sweets to stay awake.

I have nearly fallen flat on my face a few times sitting on the sofa leaning forward head in my hands and next second I fell asleep.

I know I wake up around 10 times a night only for a few minutes a time and also I don't find myself doing much during the day so that is all against.

But it is hard to be active when your so damn tired all the time

09-10-13, 14:31
I would see about getting some routine blood tests done - low iron can cause fatigue, as can thyroid issues. These conditions can both be managed easily if diagnosed. Even if everything comes back fine, its peace of mind, which can help the anxiety somewhat.

Aside from that - have you tried gentle exercise like getting out for a walk each day?

30-10-13, 01:35
Sorry about the late reply.

I am feeling much better since changing my medication.
Ive gone from 60mg of Fluoxitine to 75mg of Venlalic XL
So far , so good but its only been a week.
I still feel a little tired but not so much depressed lol
Still get my bad days of course but in-between I am feeling much better than before xxx