View Full Version : Advice please re: Cit withdrawal

05-10-13, 18:36
I have been off Citalopram for 8 days, i was on 10 mg every other day. Thankfully the light headedness, dizziness seems to have gone. I have started to feel abit down, low in mood, snappy and irritable. I am wondering if this is due to not taking cit or if i'm thinking because i'm not on the tablets, i'm thinking i should be feeling like this? If that makes sense? I am going to see my Dr this week as if i carry on feeling like this i think i need the tablets.
Feeling abit teary and down.

05-10-13, 18:41

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your post was moved from its original place to a sub-forum that is more relevant to your problem.

This is nothing personal - it just enables us to keep posts about the same problems in the relevant forums so other members with any experience with the issues can find them more easily.

05-10-13, 18:42
Have a read of this as well Nikki


05-10-13, 19:21
It does effect your mood and emotions when coming off of antidepressants hun.

I have to say that I found coming off of Citalopram a very trying experience, but I had to drop suddenly from 60mgs down to 40 literally overnight because of the reduction in the max dose, so I can't blame my doctor, as it's just something that had to be done and done quickly.

Things may well settle for you hun, but if not, go back to your doctor and see about maybe being put back on or trying something else :)

04-11-13, 18:56
Thanks, I am going to go back on Citalopram. I am feeling very low, sad, down and irritable, angry, want to scream and shout and cry. I don't want to feel like this again and the health anxiety is coming back. Thanks for your replies.

04-11-13, 20:00
I think you're right to go back on again. I couldn't cope coming off from 5mg so I don't blame you. I think, like many people say, it's a case of reducing really really slowly. In 1mg drops if possible over 2 weeks at a time?

06-11-13, 16:46
Thanks T2711, Im back on 10mg every day, I cant go back to feeling how I did. Im feeling very low in mood, want to scream and shout, im very irritable and snappy, want to cry and just not talk to anyone. And my health anxiety is starting again. I hope the Cit brings my mood back to normal.

07-11-13, 19:10
That sounds exactly what I was like when I tried coming off too quickly! How are you feeling back on 10mg?