View Full Version : antibiotic pain ibs help

05-10-13, 19:18
my ibs has kicked off big style ..had 4 courses of antibiotics for infection..flu type..big pain in my lower left hand side ..and so much trapped wind and cramps i just want to cry..anyone any ides how to stop the cramps..gina

05-10-13, 19:43
I use baby gripe water :) Might sound silly but it works for me :)

05-10-13, 19:49
Aww poor you hun, antibiotics tend to course mayhem with my bowels too, so I know the feeling.

Have you tried any of the medications for IBS at all hun?

There are quite a few now and they are helpful for stopping those nasty stomach cramps.

While you're on the antibiotics or if you've just finished, eat plenty of yoghurt and drink yoghurt drinks, these help replace the good bacteria that we loose when we're on antibiotics, they may well help with settling you IBS too.

Try, just at the moment, to steer clear of anything high fibre as that will irritated it more. So eat white bread for a while, have an easy to digest, and light diet for now, just bland things really, scrambled eggs or boiled or poached eggs are good and soups are also good. Be sure to drink plenty too, preferably not caffeinated coffee, decaf is better hun :)

I do hope you feel better soon :hugs:

---------- Post added at 19:49 ---------- Previous post was at 19:48 ----------

I use baby gripe water :) Might sound silly but it works for me :)

Thank you Annie, I'm going to try that too :hugs:

05-10-13, 20:19
Yogurt and smoothies really help me when I have that. Antibiotics really tear me apart so I can completely relate. Plain white rice also helps me but it can make some people bloat so proceed with caution on that one. Good luck!

06-10-13, 01:11
Pro biotics , yogurt with the added cultures.

There's healthy bacteria that lives in your intestines, gut, colon and antibiotics kill them all off. So I'd eat the pro biotics/ yogurt every day for a few weeks to get things back to normal.

06-10-13, 19:41
thank you all for your replies//feel a bit better tonight,

06-10-13, 19:47
I am pleased you are feeling better tonight Gina x

06-10-13, 20:08
That's really good to here hun :D

06-10-13, 20:53
i had a bad flare last year after antibiotics..it went on for about 6 weeks.i managed to persuade myself i had bowel cancer and was so stressed..this time i knew it was my ibs and didn't stress and that has helped enormously..if only i could do the same with my glands under my jaw which swelled sue to my flu virus/throat and sinus infection..hey ho my own worst enemy..