View Full Version : Head pain

05-10-13, 20:23
Hi all. I have posted on here before about this. I had a bad sins infection in May of this year and began experiencing some pains in my left temple. Sometimes around my left ear too. I took antibiotics, but these pains never stopped. I sometimes have pain around my right temple also. I had an absolutely perfect dilated eye exam in July. I also had my wisdom teeth removed this mth(bottom two were impacted and one pressing on nerve along jaw). I still have some facial pain at times which I'm told is normal. Im just very worried about the pain in my head. I have some random pains in arms and legs too that last for a few seconds. I have a bad feeling I have a brain tumor. Any advice would be great! Very scared!!

06-10-13, 14:17
The pain in your head does sound like sinus pain. Try alternating hot and cold compresses. If you are very worried though then get a doctor to check you out as he is the only one who can really reassure you.

07-10-13, 22:04
These aren't the symptoms of a brain tumour, and fear of a brain tumour is one of the most common symptoms of health anxiety. See your doctor again, but you might find these aches and pains mainly relate to anxiety.