View Full Version : Yellow Tongue

05-10-13, 21:39
Just finished course of antibitocs, tongue okay all week while on them
now stopped and noticed yellow tonue. Just scrapped all yellow goo off. Yellow not white and now I have a yellow tongue. it doesnt hurt or bleed and cant scrape the yellow off now
as you can see its not down the middle just the sides


05-10-13, 21:58
Could this not be the effect of killing bacteria that lived in your mouth from the antibiotics?

05-10-13, 22:01
i dont know
I have been taking probitics capsules for past few weeks but stopped this last week for some reason
I looked at yellow tongue on google and as you can see its not like what is on there

05-10-13, 22:08
could b thrush . U can get it from antibiotics I've had it myself and the reason it was yellow was because I smoke and drink coffee. Cleared up wen I got drops from doctor.xx

05-10-13, 22:24
i`ll see how it goes and hope it goes now I`ve started taking probiotics again I cant go docs again :(

06-10-13, 01:05
It doesn't look like yeast, but might be I guess. Most people have a coating on their tongue, yellowish or white. Just look at all people/celebs who stick their tongue out :)

06-10-13, 22:42
This thread made me laugh (sorry.) but it's only because I had this fear a few months back. I went to the dentist about it too lol. I mentioned to GP then didn't even check it.
Apparently sleeping with mouth open and dehydration ate common causes xx