View Full Version : Black hole again.

05-10-13, 23:15
So I have just come back from a trip to lithuania 2hr and 40 min plane trip and 4 hr drive from then town I was in to airport... Had flu 2 weeks ago had a bit of a cough when I went now got a hacking cough, feel all horrible, tired, weak shivery and my period ended on tue and has started again today an sorry for tmi but I have had diarrhoea ! .. And I think my legs starting to hurt ... So of course I think I have a blood clot on Lung. So scared of dying an I actually feel like this is it this time? Been under a bit of stress the 2 days I spent in lithuania an the 6000 kl round trip as finished me off. Feel so low went into work an left straight away because I felt so ill... Feel rock bottom again sure I have a blood clot! Actually have reason to think I have one this time to.

06-10-13, 10:36
It doesn't sound like a blood clot, more like a virus. You say you "think" your leg hurts, well maybe it doesn't and you're just expecting it to?

06-10-13, 14:12
Sarah, it just sounds to me like you have got run down with the illness and then a tiring journey on top of all that. You need to take some time out now to rest and get yourself well again. I think you have becomes so physically tired as well as all the anxiety. Plenty of rest! :hugs::hugs:

06-10-13, 17:41
Thank you for the replies both of u... Part of me is convinced it's a bloodclot as my leg is getting pains in it (psychosomatic) the other part of me says Iv made myself ill from the anxiety and stress... I went to lithuania to see someone I love an it didn't go to plan I left with more questions then I went with... I keep crying, feel sick, dodgy tummy, can't eat ... If this is love then it's unbearable ! Because I am an absolute mess ��

06-10-13, 17:45
Aww Sarah, I am sorry to hear this, it sounds like you are under a lot of stress at the moment. Are you seeing a counsellor at the moment? It would be helpful if you had someone to discuss it all with :hugs:

06-10-13, 17:56
Anxiety can cause odd symptoms. Hang in there and try not to worry.

08-10-13, 23:48
Aahhh what a crap day today having very real leg pains... Actually went docs for something else today she listened to my chest an said it sounds abit rattley and prescribed antibiotics now I'm convinced its a bloodclot an has travelled to my lung ... Iv had intermittent left leg pain for about 2 years now always on calf ... Why oh why is this happening to me !

09-10-13, 00:14
I'm not an MD but it definitely doesn't sound like a Pulmonary Embolism. Sounds like a virus that's kicked your tush and then some. Add to that Aunt Flo giving you a hard time, a case of the Hershey squirts along with anxiety and you have yourself in a state.

Take the meds the Dr. gave you, drink plenty of fluids and get some rest.

Good luck!

09-10-13, 00:46
Ohhh yeah the bleeding stopped only lasted half a day :-/ .... I'm so down and fed up ! I hate this feeling like I'm going to die business... Maybe my insane quest across Eastern European to have it out with the person I love has triggered it off along with virus ! I don't understand if I don't die of some illness that Is, am I going to live my life in this state I mean is this it for me? Constantly going through these horrible cycles of obsession, depression an pain followed by 'normal' periods? I swear down my mood flips like a switch its ridiculous I can be so happy one moment then all of a sudden it's like this black cloud comes over my mind ... I'm 23. Why me ? I'm thinking that all the drugs I used to take at a younger age have addled my brain in some way plus a few traumatic events. Thank you everyone for being kind an taking time out to reply xxx