View Full Version : Feeling Hopeless

06-10-13, 02:35
Im feeling very hopeless. I have had a constant struggle with my anxiety since I was 7 now im 21. There has been some good days mostly through high school, but im struggling right now and just don't see the light at the end of the tunnel. I live in a broken home. With a alcoholic brother, a mother who loves me but is very manipulative and a father who is never home because of work. I want a normal life i want to go through a day without panic. I have seen different therapist through out my life. Tried many different types of medicine and read many books. Nothing is paying off. I feel as if i will not get a chance to live a life without panic. Im losing hope, and it saddens me. I feel as if i can be something great, get a good job and have a happy family. But as each days passes it seems farther and farther away from my reach. What can i do? I need some advice because i just don't see any hope :(

06-10-13, 05:37
Hi there,

I suffer from general anxiety and I can imagine how you feel.

I remember just staying home without anything to do. I tried for very long to get hired and get busy. But then, someone suggested me to start volunteering. I started volunteering at this hospital(nursing home) where I helped seniors with daily activities. Just seeing them smile made my day and then I did not feel as bad as before.

After some time, I went to few places to drop my resume and luckily got hired and now I am happy like never before.

I know its a long journey but you have to make the first step.

Start by Volunteering and I can bet you, you will get job in no time. Help others in need and you will get a fabulous return :)