View Full Version : as anyone had the sickness bug or is just me?

06-10-13, 09:36
i posted on here yestaday about this. [i did not have any replies].. im still ill today. but stupid me i went out last night because i felt better. i should of known. about 3 hours into it i was sick and had to come home & all through this morning i,ve felt ill again really sick pains in my stomach. im so low,weak. blimin too much booze that is.

06-10-13, 09:57
ive had it before its not nice and its why i suffer anxiety . Go to bed , drink diarolyte eat bland food if you can but tbh its just something you have to ride out . Paracetemol can help fever and aches if your allowed it . Just make sure you keep your fluids up

06-10-13, 10:17
Hope you are feeling better. It's best to stay in for 48 hours if you have a sickness bug as you can easily pass this on to other people. Also, best not to eat anything for 24 hours just drink lads of water.

06-10-13, 10:23
It's just a sickness bug which will go quite quickly. Just drink water and don't eat anything for 24 hours. Maybe get some dioralyte too. Just don't go out and share it around we don't all want it :D

06-10-13, 20:16
thank you guys for your replys. im still feeling like crap and i was sick 6 times about 2 hours ago.

07-10-13, 12:18
I had this a week ago and am not being sick any more. I am however feeling weak and my stomach is still really upset and hurting a lot of the time. I have IBS but I'm worried it's something worse. How long should it take t get over a tummy bug?