View Full Version : fed up with the fear of sickbugs

06-10-13, 11:07
ive posted in general anxiety but i feel it may be here i need to be .

i spend everyday worried in going to catch sickness bugs , its really frustrating, it all seems to have gotten worse in the past six months

in currently awaiting a phone consultation on Wednesday to speak to someone (Dr gave me their number)

today im sat here panicked because my sister said she felt ill Friday night but felt fine after a sleep so visited my kids so now of course in convinced we are all going to get sick ( even though my sister wasn't actually sick )

i spend much of my time worrying for instance my son has his birthday party coming up so i worry we will get sick it will be ruined

i go on holiday in 4 weeks and im worried we get sick there and the holiday will be ruined

i also worry about getting sick and having time off work as im finally in a job where im happy ive only been there six months but i feel really settled where as my last place i couldn't wait to leave .

i work in the motor trade and get in around 10 cars a day all of which to me pose a potential illness threat , i wear gloves all day and change them all time .

if i read on Facebook or hear of someone i know is sick uts sends me into a blind panic its doing the rounds and how long until its at our house

having my eldest start school has made things worse .

i just want to get back to the old me that didn't spend everyday worrying about getting sick bugs and them ruining everything.

my wife isn't very supportive because its in my head she thinks i should snap out of it (although she doesn't say that i know that's her take on these type of things)

a bloke at works a big help as i told him id been given a number to ring and get advice and i was massively embarrassed, he said i shouldn't be its just one of those things in life you need a bit of help . I expected to have the piss taken out of me tbh .

sorry for rambling again but in finding being able to chat with others in simmilar situation a big help


06-10-13, 11:28
Maybe the doctor will refer you for CBT which could really help you. You just need some tools to help you cope with this issue. It sounds awful that you're constantly worrying about it and have no peace. If the doctor doesn't suggest CBT maybe you could ask?

06-10-13, 11:50
well he gave me a number and i assume that once they evaluate me then maybe cbt will be what's suggested . Its really a nightmare i spend my whole time worrying ill be sick or the kids or my wife because its such a nightmare if we are . I don't get paid for 1 and i worry about events being ruined ( Tuesdays birthday party for 1) i spend so much time thinking about it and at times i don't even like to eat its like I've blurred a line between being hungry and feeling sick . I have a bad headache right now so of course in pannicking that will become a sick bug .

i hate my train of thoughts . Why can't i just feel ok and think Tuesdays party will be fine , the holiday will be fine

06-10-13, 11:58
I really think that CBT will help you. I can't tell you not to worry because it wouldn't make any difference to you but if you could learn how to deal with your won thoughts with therapy then you can get on with your life and start enjoying things with your family. Don't give up hope because you're a great candidate for therapy to work.

06-10-13, 12:12
the thing is this has come from nowhere , i never used to worry like this , ive always worried but its dominating my thoughts at the minute . I find it hard to go to sleep and if i wake in the night i start worrying and cant get back to sleep .

as i say this headache i have today is really worrying me it will turn into a bug then ill ruin everything that's planned for Tuesday

06-10-13, 12:28
But worrying won't stop you getting any bug. You will more than likely not get any bug before Tuesday and you will have wasted your weekend worrying for nothing. These things can come out of nowhere, there was probably a trigger that you don't know about. Go and try and distract yourself, have a game of something with the kids, take the dog for a walk, anything that will distract you even for a short time. let us know what the doc says.
I don't think headaches are usually a pre cursor for sickness bugs anyway. It's probably a stress headache, have some water and get some fresh air.

06-10-13, 13:17
i know your right but its made me feel rough aswell . Its all in my head i know it is . And your right about it wasting my time . I shall let you know what's said Wednesday

06-10-13, 14:07
Ok. Good luck with it. You CAN beat this but you have to put lots of effort into fighting it, you have got that energy you're just using it up worrying right now.
Please do something nice for yourself today, give yourself permission to not worry about sickness for a few hours, every time it creeps into you head swat it like a mosquito.

06-10-13, 16:49
its made worse now by my youngest getting up from her nap not herself