View Full Version : Yellow tounge?

06-10-13, 14:15
Does anyone know what causes a yellow tounge?
My tounge is coated in thick yellow gunk.

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I'm terrified something's wrong
Liver failure?

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I really need some advice :(

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I have no cold at all.
Mouth feels dry though.
So so so scared
I have googled
It's an all over coating not like thrush I've found out
Could be a sign of jaundice

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Just remembered I had a very very slight nose bleed yesterday to :ohmy::lac:

Is this something to worry over? :(

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A couple weeks ago I had a sore throat for a few days.

06-10-13, 14:25
Could be something you have eaten?

06-10-13, 15:31
I've eaten porridge today and banana.
Cranberry juice, couple of decaf coffees, 7up sugar free with lime cordial.
Was going to enjoy a stow ford press with my dinner in a bit but now unsure but nan bought it special for me.

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Convinced something's very wrong with me :(

06-10-13, 15:33
Have you tried brushing it? Someone posted about the same thing yesterday.

06-10-13, 15:35
Yes. It just won't go :(

06-10-13, 15:44
Rinse your mouth with cooled boiled water with a teaspoon of salt in. See how it is tomorrow. Our tongues can change colour for lots of reasons and it may just be something you have eaten that has coloured it or an unsettled digestive system. I wuldn't be too worried. x

06-10-13, 15:59
Thanks :( I just imagine its cancer or something very serious :(

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It would explain the extreme tiredness the last few days/headaches etc. cancer ?

06-10-13, 16:01
It could also explain a slight viral infection or upset digestive system. :) Don't jump to the worst case scenario which is VERY unlikely :) Sorry to ask but have you been going to the loo okay? The reason I ask is that constipation can cause all those symptoms.

06-10-13, 16:24
My normal pattern is once a week and I don't struggle to go when I go. So if say I'm going normally like normal.
Hmm I'm not so sure, I really do think its something serious Annie :/
No upset tummies at all.

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Gave up three quartes of the way through my stowford press. Wasn't enjoying it so thought what's the point in trying to enjoy my self snd have a nice Sunday dinner :(

06-10-13, 16:26
Could it not just be plaque? Although I suppose that would brush off. Think about how people's tongues change colour when they have coloured drinks etc - that's nothing serious.

06-10-13, 16:37
Hmm yer. It was their yesterday though. And I've brushed twice since then (last night and this morning)
Can't remember what I drunk yesterday. Lots of water, diet coke, decaf tea. Don't remember having anything else.

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My teeth are in good condition. No bleeding, no decay etc. never had a filling or anything.

---------- Post added at 16:37 ---------- Previous post was at 16:32 ----------

When I spit though their is brown gunk from my tounge.
I think I'm going to have to go to docs.
However one thing CBt taught is to try and not to run the doctors in a panic. And I really do try. I very rarely visit anymore.

06-10-13, 16:45
It is obviously worrying you so if it is no better tomorrow ask the doctor to check it but I very much doubt it is something serious.

06-10-13, 16:49
:( thanks.
Just feel really sad and upset.
These years should be the best of my life and all I can think is its ending all the time.

06-10-13, 16:51
It isn't so just get out there and enjoy it! You have that lovely holiday to look forward to soon :)

06-10-13, 16:55
Sounds food related if you can spit some of the yuck off your tongue. Could be caused by excessive tea/coffee drinking, smoking, food colouring, natural food colouring, plaque and loads more. I get it when I drink too much coffee. I would try not to focus on it.

06-10-13, 17:09
I am a big coffee drinker :/ .
Ill try to forgot it. It don't like attractive though.
Yes Annie, next month :)

06-10-13, 17:09
It's because you read the post by nck44!

"Yellow Tongue"

"I have a yellow tongue. it doesn't hurt or bleed and cant scrape the yellow off..."

Good Luck!

06-10-13, 17:11
Hi. Funnily enough never saw that post lol x

06-10-13, 18:18
Try very hard to put that cbt into practice. What other tactics did they teach you? And are you going back, as it may be good to write down your irrational thoughts at the moment and show the therapist. They can then help you look at alternative thoughts.
It's not easy, and I'm no way 100% there, but you just have ti stick with it! Especially when you go away - you don't want to be spending your hol worrying.