View Full Version : feeling so low right now

06-10-13, 13:36
I hate my life and myself so much for my failed life.47 kicked out of sisters and just miss my wife and kids so much since we seperated in march..im strugling badley and dont know how much longer i can actualy hold on anymore..nothing is going right for me and am faced with a very dark future and my prseant situation with everything that is going on isnt helping..i want to curl up into a ball and die i really do..havnt felt so lost and lonely..most of you that know me know my life style and situation..i stayed at my familys last night and dredding going back to my sisters today knowing she wants me out this week.having to live there for the next few days is gking to be hard.and im sick of having no friends and job and purpose inlife...i really wish i would get that drive that people get to take my own life..i feel like its half there but not giving me the full push to do it.i want to die i hate my life.watching others enjoy there lifes and family and kids.iv lost it all and am not coping at all..

06-10-13, 13:41
You have not failed your life Greg, and you must NOT give up. Call the crisis team and let them know what is happening, tell them you are going to be homeless from this week. tell them everything you have just told us. You will get your life back on track. I know it seems far from it now but you are fighter Greg, you can get through this. We are all here to support you. Please call the crisis team.

---------- Post added at 13:41 ---------- Previous post was at 13:41 ----------

Oh and lots of hugs :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:

06-10-13, 14:05
i know im new here but never give up things will get better it may not seem like it right now but they will

07-10-13, 07:20
Hey Greg. I am so sorry to hear what you are going through. It must be so hard for you. I have only spoke to you a few times on here but I read what you write, I just want to say we are all here for you. If you want to PM me please do, I find it helps to talk about it even if it is typing it on here!
Big hugs to you. X

07-10-13, 08:06
Greg down give it to this I know more than anyone how hard it is I am struggling to fight it and keep afloat at the moment, I am going to speak to my GP about a med change today is this something you could do, to see if it alleviates the pain you feel. As Annie said you need to contact the crisis team today and let them know what has happened and what your frame of mind is in at the moment.
Hang on in there we are here for you xx kim:hugs::hugs:

07-10-13, 10:10
Thanks guys for the suport ...i have appt with the comunity mental health team tomorow tue..this is to re assess me again...im not sure what the next steps will be after that..i cant get back to the ADTU as the first time i whent there i was assessed in a different county and where i am now dsnt use the same conections..i am going to ask about it tomorow at my appt and see what they say..i hope they do something to help me

07-10-13, 12:04
Greg stay strong,nothing is worth taking your own life for.
We are rooting for you ,time will heal

07-10-13, 12:20
Hi Greg, I hope they can sort something productive for you tomorrow. Let us know how you get on :hugs:

07-10-13, 14:07
I don't want to sound harsh but make sure they do something to help you. Really spell it out them how bad you feel when you're at your worse. Really hope you get some help Greg :hugs:

07-10-13, 14:15
I agree with Bernie Greg, write it down if you can and tell them everything you have told us and more :)

07-10-13, 17:10
Iv been to my local dropin center today for the homeless.i can go there every day for 3 hrs..free food and drink and other homeless people to talk to..at least its something for me to do each day..they said if i can get myself on there list for a shelter i would have somewhere to stay ..then after a few months id get some kind of acomadation.so fingers are crossed..i still have my appt tom to

07-10-13, 17:37
I am pleased you have been able to go there today Greg, Maybe things are not looking so bad as they seem. I hope you get lots of support from your appointment tomorrow. You never know this may all turn out to be a blessing in disguise as you were never really happy and settled at your sisters. :hugs::hugs::hugs:

07-10-13, 17:51
Hey there Greg - I'm new here and just wanted to stop by and say hello. I haven't much to add other than offering you a lot of :hugs: and that talking/sharing (like you are doing) is always a step in the right direction. My fingers are crossed that you get the help and advice you need - I'm thinking that you've gotten the right advice so far?

07-10-13, 18:00
Thanks annie\ andria.
Like you say annie i never felt welcomed at my sisters id much rather be in a shelter that has been provided just for homeless people that have no job or money.this way i wouldnt feel awcward being there and all the other people there are in the same boat as me..i just hope a place comes uo soon

07-10-13, 18:09
Greg is there anything I can do? I work with local authorities - there's always someone you can turn to. Maybe I can identify a group you've missed? That and the fact that sometimes you're not offered services simply because you don't ask for them :huh:

07-10-13, 18:21
Iv been to my local dropin center today for the homeless.i can go there every day for 3 hrs..free food and drink and other homeless people to talk to..at least its something for me to do each day..they said if i can get myself on there list for a shelter i would have somewhere to stay ..then after a few months id get some kind of acomadation.so fingers are crossed..i still have my appt tom to

Hi Greg glad you found somewhere to go today and can go everyday, food and drink is a bonus but I should imagine having someone to talk to is just as important. As others have said things have been bad but maybe this is a blessing in disguise and things will now change for the better, really hope so for you.
Take care Kim :)

07-10-13, 19:15
Thanks for the offer andria.but i think iv got everything going..mental health team tomorow for assesment.im sure they will direct me after that i hope.and the night shelter up and running and the droo in center..hopefully something good will cime out of it all

07-10-13, 19:53
Ok Greg that's good news then. As long as you're not alone and you've got support either in place or it's going to be :)

09-10-13, 05:31
you haven't lost your life.. I don't want to sound cliche, and tell you a bunch of inspirational crap but seriously every day is a new day to start again... It's never too late. I know dealing with loss Is tough, It's traumatic, and It's hard not to lose hope and motivation in life. When you fall down, You need to pull yourself back up, as hard as it may seem, and as bleak and dark as the world may seem things will eventually get better. Your life is in your hands, nobody else's.
just because your situation seems bad right now, doesn't mean you can't get professional help, doesn't mean things won't change for the better. Worry about focusing on yourself and your mental health before you worry about having a family or a job. There's a reason why people aren't a part of your life anymore.
I'm taking it you've burned your bridges? Been there Done That. Even If that's the case It doesn't mean you can't go out there and meet new people!
Hope things get better for you!

10-10-13, 05:12
Hi Greg.
I don't know much about your story and what you have tried or haven't. Is it the Panic and Anxiety that has caused you to loose these things in life or the other way around? Which started first, your Anxiety or your struggles?
I have had a pretty rough year myself, was pretty close to getting divorced from my 17 year husband, living in the US which is a foreign country to me, as I am originally from South America where all my family lives.
It was pretty close for me and I was fearing that I would loose it all, (I still worry about that sometimes).
I assume that you have tried therapy and didn't help? I assume that may be you have tried medication?
I tried 2 Anti-Depressant this year and they just made me worse. I did go to the Psych Hospital because I was feeling so low that I was having suicidal thoughts. Have you tried medication? I find that the only medication that works for me is Klonopin (a Benzodiazepamine, yea, I know it has a bad reputation but it has been very effective for me). I know it sounds very shallow to talk about medication when you have so many problems that you are going through. However I find that if I can at least eliminate my Anxiety I can cope better with whatever is going on. The medication helps me function and then I can actually get up and go, go to school, take care of kids, go to work, talk to people. Once you can address the Anxiety and get on your feet you might be able to gather the strength you need to go get your life back.
Don't give up, there HAS to be something that helps. I hope I am not just rambling on possible solutions that you have already tried.... I hope to hear from you soon...