View Full Version : Update from Ddcoo re tongue cancer

06-10-13, 14:52
Hi everyone, I thought it was high time that I came on and gave a quick catch up on my progress. Its 10 months since my operation and seven months since I finished:) the chemo and radiotherapy. I have steadily regained strength although still get tired if I have a couple of busy days. The new piece of my tongue is nowhere as swollen as it was and the big scar on my arm is fading nicely so I am very pleased with my progress. I can now drive again, am doing gardening but cant lift anything too heavy as it pulls on the scars. I can eat much better but some foods still taste like metal, but generally I feel more like my old self. The hospital says that it takes about a year before things really heal. So after spending Xmas in hospital last year with a feeding tube up my nose, I am hoping to have a normal dinner this year. I will even wear a paper hat!! Thank you all for your support over the past 12 months and a special thank you to Annie and Tessar who came to visit me a couple of weeks ago.

06-10-13, 15:42

Nice to see a post from you again. I was upset when I first read your post about being diagnosed with tongue cancer.
I wish you luck for the future. I are able to have a normal dinner this year.

06-10-13, 15:49
Lovely to hear from you on NMP and it was lovely to see you too :) I can tell everyone here how much improvement I saw in you from the first time we met earlier this year. You are doing great Di and really are an inspiration. Quite often when I get scared about things, I think of you and how much you have gone through and it gives me the encouragement to go ahead with things. (Like finding my way to your home town on my own :) ) You will have to prepare the best Christmas dinner ever this year :D

06-10-13, 15:58
Lovely to hear from you again.
Glad things are looking up for you
Emma x :)

06-10-13, 16:07
how lovely to hear from you :D

you have done brilliantly and are an inspiration, its good to hear that you are getting on so well, please don't stop posting though and we will always be here for you.


06-10-13, 16:10
Good to hear from you again. Glad to hear things are improving so much for you. Wishing you well you brave courageous lady :hugs::hugs:

06-10-13, 16:21
Just a quick note to emphasise what the others have said.

So glad that things are looking up for you, as you so deserve it.

You have been an inspiration to many of us and please continue to keep us posted.

take care and enjoy yourself.


06-10-13, 19:49
Oh hun, I was only thinking about you yesterday, how strange is that :)

I'm so please that your recovery is going well for you.

Wow! it's been a rough and rocky nearly a year for you hasn't it?

I still remember so well last year, when you went into hospital to have that huge operation, and we all promised to wear party hats at Christmas Dinner for you, and I did wear my party hat, as did my partner and anyone else who dared come into my home on Christmas Day :D

I'm so proud of how you have coped so well with what you've had to face, you have so much courage and I know that you inspired so many people on here, me being one of them :)

Do please keep coming in to update us, and I think we should all have another pact this year......

We should all wear a party hat for Christmas Dinner again and toast to your health and happiness, you're one truly inspirational lady :hugs:

10-10-13, 19:55
Awwww ddcoooooo you are a superstar!!!!!!!!! A real inspiration. Soooo good to read your post!!! And I am with Annie on "Quite often when I get scared about things, I think of you and how much you have gone through and it gives me the encouragement to go ahead with things". Not only that, your positive attitude and spirit have really made a difference to me. Meeting you and Annie was amazing. I value my friendship with you both.

*Fallen Angel*
11-10-13, 10:25
You really are an inspiration, I'm so glad you're feeling better.

11-10-13, 22:02
glad ur on the mend hun :) xxx

11-10-13, 23:35
Lovely to hear from you Di, I wondered how you had been getting on.

So glad is all is going ok with you and I hope it continues to do so xxxx

12-10-13, 14:21
Glad you are feeling better ddcoo. I have been looking for a post from you.
I am sending you hugs and kind wishes :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:xx