View Full Version : Pregnancy help please?

06-10-13, 16:16
Hello, im 6 weeks pregnant so i stopped all my medication around 2 months ago. i went up to a&e last night because i have a water infection which im taking antibiotics for they said to give them 48 hours to work, i dont feel as ill as i did but still the aching in my lower stomach and back, so worried im going to have a miscarriage, i have never had one before so wauldnt no what to expect if it was going to happy, this is my second baby.. any advice wauld be great! thanks.

06-10-13, 16:54

The pain you describe is very much the pain of a water infection. This usually takes 3-4 days to go away after starting medication.

If you are still worried in a day or two perhaps go back to your doctor?


06-10-13, 16:57
Firstly, congratulations on the pregnancy!

Water infections can cause a dull ache in the lower back. Put a hot water bottle on it or take a hot bath, that eases the pain. Once the antibiotics start to work the pain will go, but please, PLEASE, take the whole antibiotics course, even if you feel better.