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06-10-13, 19:20
Hi. I posted the other day about having an ulcer on my tongue at the side. I'm totally freaked out that it's something major. I posted the other day about my many trips to the doctor about my tongue not being symmetrical on both sides. They said everything looks normal. But now I have an ulcer on that exact side that I was freaked out about originally I'm in a total state. Has anyone had anything similar? Or have a non symmetrical tongue? Sorry for posting again. Very worried and trying not to Google :( x

06-10-13, 19:22
The ulcer won't harm you, I sometimes get them and use corlan pellets from the chemist. They clear it really quickly.

06-10-13, 19:26
I get ulcers all over my tongue and they have always cleared up by themselves and been nothing more sinister than an ordinary mouth ulcer.

Stress can cause ulcers and so can minor damage to the tongue/lip such as accidentally biting it.

An ulcer is really nothing to worry about xx

06-10-13, 19:38
Nothing in our bodies are truly symmetrical. Breasts, testicles, arms, legs etc. If you take measurements you'll find differences.

An ulcer is just that... an ulcer. Everyone gets them from time to time. Several trips to the doctor and all is normal. Need I say more?

Good Luck!

06-10-13, 19:51
Thanks for the replies. I think it's the location of the ulcer that's worrying me the most! In my rational head I can think, well the doctor / dentist didn't think that area of tongue was abnormal, therefore an ulcer there is the same as anywhere else in my mouth. Irrational health anxiety head says, you were right! You knew there was something dodgy going on and now there's an ulcer there.. And so on. Just wish so much I could stop. I've spent the last hour examining it, poking it. So tiring :(

06-10-13, 19:53
It will get bigger if you keep poking it and then that will make you feel more anxious.

Keep reminding yourself that the rational voice is correct and the irrational one is just your anxiety.

06-10-13, 19:53
Just wish so much I could stop. I've spent the last hour examining it, poking it. So tiring :(

That's only going to make it worse you know!

06-10-13, 20:01
Had an ulcer a couple of times when I was a kid.Mom used to give me something called TCP to gargle with.A couple days and it was gone.Feels nice to play around with it.

06-10-13, 20:30
Thanks for your replies, made me feel better. I will stop poking it! Hopefully it'll be gone soon. Sleeping badly so that probably doesn't help. Thanks again xx

07-10-13, 10:33
Would it be really bad to book a doctor's appointment about this? Otherwise I don't think I'll be able to rest. Especially knowing I'm supposed to be going on holiday on Fri. Don't even want to go anymore. If it got worse or anything I'd be stuck in Turkey

07-10-13, 10:48
If you think rationally about it you'll see that an ulcer on your tongue is not going to get worse to the point of being a medical emergency leaving you stuck in Turkey.

Stress causes ulcers, this is your most likely explanation. What do you think your doctor will say to you about it and can you afford a visit to be told something you probably already know?

At most I'd say to your local pharmacy that you have an ulcer on your tongue and do they have anything you could apply to it. Here we use an ointment called Bongela, but usually they clear up on their own in a few days anyway.

Are you sure you're not just anxious about going on holidays?

Do a little CBT exercise to help yourself. Sit down with a piece of paper and write out your fear: in this case you'd say something like I'm afraid of this ulcer on my tongue.

Then use these questions to examine the fear: Why? What? Where? When? How? Who?

So you could ask yourself Why am I afraid of this ulcer? and then write down the fear that comes to you. Keep examining each new statement until you reach the fear that runs underneath it all - this is what you need to work on, not the ulcer, if you know what I mean?

07-10-13, 11:02
One side of my tongue has a dent in it so isn't symmetrical. No dr had ever questioned it.
Ulcers are common. Only if they persist as don't go away should you go and get them checked I suppose. Some bad ones can take a couple of weeks to clear up.

07-10-13, 11:47
Thanks for the replies. The worry with the ulcer is that it's in an area I've always had my concerns about. If it were somewhere else in my mouth I'd probably not be as upset with it. The fact that it's there just makes me open old questions about my tongue, if that makes sense. So to me, the ulcer being in that exact spot is an indication that there is a problem there and I was right and the doctors missed it. Which means every day it's there I'll question it, worry over it. So the idea of being on holiday now seems pointless, because all of my attention will be on the ulcer. That's if it's still there, which it probably will be cos that's just my luck! I just feel deflated, angry. I thought I was mostly getting over it, that's why I booked the holiday. I am scheduled to see a psychologist as referred by the doctor about HA. It's just so stressful :( Sorry for lack of paragraphs, typing from mobile). x