View Full Version : Any hodgkins experts

06-10-13, 21:28
I know lymphoma is a big fear for a lot of us ... Especially me :(

Anyone who knows a bit about it could they tell me that if I had Hodgkin's disease for 20 months would I sure as hell know about it ?

07-10-13, 14:01
The simple answer to that, yes you would, even if your lymph nodes near the surface weren't enlarged there would be other symptoms ,eg , night sweats, intense itching, feeling week , but one way to find out a simple blood test.
And Hodgkin's lymphoma has a excellent cure rate,

07-10-13, 15:06
can you tell from blood tests

07-10-13, 18:42
Thanks ronno !

I have had six CBC 2ldh esr crp and a chest x ray ! Ridiculous that I can't put it out my mind ! I've even unfortunately put on weight !

I was doing so well until I had a mild sweat last night and started itching today . Doctor felt my neck last Friday and everythings normal

I'm not sure about bloods green lady but I heard that over time abnormalities would have shown or so I really do hope so ! :(

07-10-13, 19:14
The sweats are drenching , you'd have to change the sheets. The itching is intense , look because I had very large tonsils and a friends sister (who's still with us 35 years on) developed Hodgkin's I too was afraid id developed it.
I read medical books (google of its time) and convinced my self .constantly checking armpits and neck, out came my tonsils and I calmed down a bit .and then 7 years ago my wife developed it . The lymph node under her arm was the size of a chickens egg , and she lost weight as well as the itching , you sound fine , I know that's easy for me to say , but I lived the nightmare seeing my other half go through it and it was NOTHING like I thought. With age I look back and think about the time I've wasted thinking I was ill or worrying about a ache or pain and the last six years worrying about my vision , now having symptoms for six years should tell me their harmless , but they still freak me out .any way take care and don't worry.

07-10-13, 19:27
Ronno thanks for honest advice it makes me feel better ! Sorry to hear you have had close experiences with the disease especially your wife but happy to hear she is okay !

I take it with a lump the size of a chicken egg it would have been noticeable and uncomfortable ?

Also was her weight loss noticeable ?

Sorry for the questions , I have a feeling six years down the line I will still be asking them :( I even had an oncologist say " no way you have cancer" I mean what more do I want !

07-10-13, 19:36
You could see it under her sweater and it came up overnight, 4cm the surgeon said , weight loss a couple of stone. If a cancer dr said your ok I'd be over the moon. If your like me six years down the line it will be something else lol

07-10-13, 21:22
i have had similar fears for 2 years..had a really bad virus and glands swelled up under my jaw ..dr says its because of the virus and i know i should believe her ..she said they were smaller today..so why do i still worry?