View Full Version : Your 1 main symptom?

06-10-13, 21:51
Hi all,

I know we all have similar symptoms and go through many during anxiety but is there one more than any other that occurs the most or bothers you the most?

06-10-13, 21:53
omg yeah my dam dizziness I hate it :doh:

06-10-13, 22:24
Light head, jelly legs and nausea are my main ones :mad:

06-10-13, 22:27
Feeling odd

06-10-13, 22:42
Globus throat and flippen swallowing.

07-10-13, 09:17
Hyperventilation, chest pains and palps. They don't bother me anymore, just a nuisance.

07-10-13, 10:56
Derealisation, palps and all weird chest pains and sensations

07-10-13, 18:18
Fear of dropping dead. The symptom that causes this feeling the most is probably heart concern.

07-10-13, 18:29
I have more than one I'm afraid so I'm sorry but they are all occurring at the same time just now and all worry me because they all tell me something is seriously wrong and I'm getting blood taken tomorrow and I was at hospital on Sunday as I nearly passed out. The scary symptoms I am having are palpitations, feeling like I'm going to pass out, dizziness, spaced out, trembling/vibrations/shakiness, heavy feeling in my head and ears, IBS, pins and needles, numbness, jeez, etc etc etc...I am convinced I have a vit b12 deficiency, I googled and it tells me I may have permanently damaged my central nervous system and worse....This is what I'm getting tested for tomorrow. Knowing this, it has made me worse to the point I could actually pass out. Does anyone think anxiety may stem from food intolerances???

07-10-13, 18:50
Depersonalisation is my worst (Thank God it tends not to last)

I can cope with all the other symptoms, just that one that scares the bejesus out of me.:wacko:

07-10-13, 18:51
Heat palps, racing heart, feeling like I can't breathe, dizziness.
Worst symptom? Feeling like I'm suffocating. You can't not feel fear, you're body is programmed to react to feelings of suffocation.

In fact studies show that even people who cannot feel fear due to brain damage will experience a panic attack if they inhale carbon dioxide.

So it's a hard symptom to cope with. What helps me is using a finger pulse oximeter which shows your oxygen level. They use them in hospitals too :) It's good for me to have evidence that I'm not really suffocating :)

07-10-13, 19:00
I could write an essay. Being detached from my body, derealisation, spaced out, feeling not with it, dizzy, palpitations, panic attacks when waking up, jelly legs, off balance, feeling stoned, feeling dead, dumb, numb.

Oh.. I've just read the title...

07-10-13, 20:47
Feeling detached I think has to be my worst one, though I haven't had that in a long time, thankfully.

But my main symptom when having a panic attack is breathlessness to the point that I used to think I was going to suffocate, thankfully, I haven't had that in ages now either :D

07-10-13, 20:56
Hope the Docs went Okay today AuntyMoosie.