View Full Version : Heart racing

06-10-13, 22:02
I haven't left my house all summer hardly . I just can't at times . I don't want to be around people . I feel ulgy , fat , my hairs not right even if I go out ill PAINIC ! No one likes me the list goes on and on tbh ! I just want to know if this is ok . I got my heart and blood pressure checked my the doctor and she said it was fine but my heart races all the time , I feel really warm to . I'm obsessed by my Heath and I never feel well ! Life so crappy ATM anyone feel this way too ?

06-10-13, 22:44
I haven't left my house all summer... I just want to know if this is ok ....anyone feel this way too ?

NO! It's not ok! I've had times when I felt like crap too! Head and Neck Cancer, lymphedema, physically and mentally beat to a pulp but guess what? Life goes on and you have to live.

Good Luck!

06-10-13, 23:33
my heart races all the time, and I've been told im ok but im having more tests again aswell. I totally get how you feel message me if u want a chat x

07-10-13, 09:09
The reason why your heart is racing all the time is because 1) you're anxious, thus adrenaline is released which causes an increase in heart rate 2) you're monitoring it. It will not harm you, your heart is a very tough muscle.

I recommend that you ask for some treatment, counselling or CBT. You sound like you've got yourself into a bit of a rut and need some help coming out of it.

Btw I'm a Green Day fan too ;)