View Full Version : Acid in stomach

07-10-13, 00:11
I have been in pain for about 4 weeks been to docs twice and all she says is muscular pain hithus hernia playing up done what's she has asked mr to do and still have it it goes away for a few days but comes back with a vengeance I am so worried it is something more I have wind line pains in stomach and pain goes through to back please help I'm losing the will to live I also take paracetamol for pain and zoton fast tab for my hit hithus hernia don't know what's wrong as I have. Had my hithus hernia for years and no bother till now I need advice please ?xx

07-10-13, 00:17
You really need to discuss this with the doctor and not us to be honest.

We cannot offer medical advice and you need to follow what they say

07-10-13, 00:41
Sorry I was just trying to put my mind at rest I was only asking a question like other people on here ? Sorry to be a nucuance I. No you are not doctors I just thot some one else would be going through the sme thing as I have had anxiety on and off for 10 years but I won't bother you again? Goodnight ?

---------- Post added at 00:41 ---------- Previous post was at 00:32 ----------

I wasn't asking for medical advice just some advice if I wanted medical,advice I wouldn't come on here ??????

07-10-13, 00:44
But you were asking for medical advice

07-10-13, 00:48
No I wasn't ????

---------- Post added at 00:48 ---------- Previous post was at 00:47 ----------

But that doesn't matter now ????

07-10-13, 00:49
You are asking for advice about a hernia - hence medically related surely?

07-10-13, 00:54
I was asking for a on how I was feeling not the hernia hence the question acid in stomach ???

---------- Post added at 00:54 ---------- Previous post was at 00:52 ----------

I did not say I have a hithus hernia what will I do did I no ??????

07-10-13, 00:54
Ok I am not sure what "wind line pains in stomach " are but with indigestion you can get back pains

07-10-13, 00:55
You said you had a hithus hernia

07-10-13, 10:00
Yes I said I had a hithus hernia bit I did not as for advice on it I asked for advice on how I was feeling people come on on here to try and relieve there anxiety not to get more anxiety ????

07-10-13, 10:09
My dad has that and stress can cause heart burn because the valve to the entrance of the stomach doesn't work properly so a small amount stomach acid can leave the stomach and irritate the oesophagus.

But that's the only information I can give. Nobody will know why you're in the pain you are in, if the doctor says it's muscular pain then her word is a given. I don't even want to suggest heart burn medication because I don't know if it will affect the hernia.

07-10-13, 10:19
If you have a hiatus hernia then it makes it easy for acid to come out of your stomach causing pain and all kinds of problems. I have this and it's a nuisance, especially when stressed as stress & anxiety will make it a lot worse and make you stomach even more acidic. It's really playing up at the moment and I have this feeling of a lump in my throat all the time, as well as lots of burping, pain in my stomach (especially when empty) and feeling like the area around my stomach is swollen & tight. Sometimes it hurts right through to my back too.

Best thing is to talk to your doctor again, and also read up about a hiatus hernia/acid reflux diet and avoid the foods that can make you feel bad.

Make sure you're drinking enough water and avoiding caffinated drinks.

Hiatus hernia is very managable, just do a bit of research and try to keep your anxiety levels low.

Have a look at what you're eating and see if it has any relation to how bad your stomach feels, you'll probably find that certain foods/drinks make you feel bad, or that you feel a lot worse when your stomach is empty like in the morning time.

07-10-13, 10:28
Thanks honey for your reply ? Yes I have read up on it and I don't drink caffeine related drinks or greasy foods. I made a cheesecake at weekend and mabe the dairy products have upset it again ? It normally clears up in a few days but this time it is taking longer I've not had a drink for three weeks now either hope you feel better soon just my anxiety going through the roof the now lol take care xx

07-10-13, 10:38
Just remember that foods like spicy food, citrus fruits (organge juice), tomatoes, onions and garlic can also create extra acid. Processed foods, junks food, fast food and too much sugary drinks/fizzy drinks are also harmful. And eating too much food until you're overfull can also hurt, as can sitting down for too long each day or sitting down straight after a big meal. Rememeber to keep your posture correct if you can, slumping/slouching can put extra pressure on your stomach.

You might just need to eat a very plain diet for a little while to help your stomach heal.

Remember that anxiety will only make it worse, so stress relief is really important for you right now.