View Full Version : Can existential thoughts make me go crazy?

07-10-13, 00:49
I suffer for about few months of existential thoughts. It's about "life,universe,why humans are here,what is all this and for what, what is life,is the life real? What is afterlife,what is eternity and what is time? etc"... All the intrusive thoughts,and they are like nightmare, I don't have answers and I get anxiety and big fears because of this. It's really,really scary.

I heard some people on one forum said how people can go crazy if they think too deep. Now I'm afraid of going crazy because I can't get rid of these thougths.

Please give me advice, and does anybody of you ever felt the same and how did you cope with this ? What did your therapist say about people who suffer from this? Can they go crazy? I feel like I changed as a person after these questions and like this reality is so strange now. I wish I can be the old me.

Sorry for my bad English. Much Regards!

07-10-13, 00:58
No you can't go mad from it - it is perfectly normal with anxiety

07-10-13, 01:13
Thank you. I hope you are right!
I battled with depression,anxiety,panic attacks, but existential thoughts are worst of all them!

I wish I was like other girls,thinking about shoes,going party,or smiling with friends,familly... but I question non stop about humans,universe etc.

I was normal before, and I can't stop being sad and question why I'm damned to live like this,while so many people never have these thoughts or think deep about them, they spend their lifes normal, and I spend my life in fears :weep:

07-10-13, 08:58
It is inbuilt into every human to question their existence and surroundings. It's very normal to think deeply and you can't go crazy or mad as a result.

07-10-13, 09:38
Question everything ! I would think you are crazy if you never questioned anything and just accepted everything you have been told as fact.

07-10-13, 19:33
You will find your own meaning in time - it's part of the recovery process. Anyway, what is actually wrong with asking how and why? If nobody ever did that we wouldn't have electricity, or Android phones, or him who used to be The Gamesmaster. Or Deep Space 9. I can tell you now, my universe would be colder and greyer without the Starship Defiant kicking arse :D