View Full Version : this may help to relax you

29-10-06, 02:37
while I was wandering about on the web I came across this site which has a web cam filming day and night by a watering hole in africa Ive just been watching a herd of wildebeest come for a drink, I find it distracts me from what Im feeling and its available 24\7 http://www.wavelit.com/?ch=Wildlife&sh=africam hope its alright to post this I just thought it might give someone else some pleasure and distraction from stress.

29-10-06, 11:01
Thanks for that spock, just been watching the wilderbeest.

Elaine x

29-10-06, 12:02
Thank you for the post spock1. I am watching an elephant now what a lovely site :D


29-10-06, 14:43
thanks it makes me feel good that I have been able to give a bit of cheer to a few people by posting a good web site, I have seen hyena, zebra, elephant and much more, thankfully I havent seen anything killed yet, the cam is manned during the daay but once it's dark it is for the most part understanderbly just left pointing at the waterhole. theres even have some footage of the disputed first landing on the moon if you look. while this doesnt help with the situation with my daughter or grandson at least it has given me something to watch in the early hours when I cant sleep (which is most nights) due to stress, panic etc.

29-10-06, 14:51
it wont show me anything all i got is a picture of a waterhole what am i doing wrong


the dreams of the future are better than the history of the past

29-10-06, 16:49
Brilliant! Thanks for posting. :D

29-10-06, 17:12
wow this is brilliant, the sound alone is quite relaxing. it is dark but i can see flies flying about..lol:)


29-10-06, 18:22
Thanks so much! What a lovely idea! x

29-10-06, 22:22
net you're not doing anything wrong its just that there may not be any animals around at the time you tuned in you just have to keep checking up on it as it is a live stream cam, ocassionally in the day there are people who come and move the cam around if there is nothing by the water, but of a night time it stays fixed on the waterhole so you take pot luck, like I have said in an earlier post I have in the past seen hyena, elephants and zebra, Ive also seen deer, cranes, one early morning Im sure there were 2 hippo but they were right over the other side, Ive also seen buffalo and a few gazelles. its the nearest I'll ever get to going on safari and a lot cheaper too, glad you're all enjoying it I was going to post about it before but I wasnt sure if it was acceptable to post about other web sites and as I am fairly new to here I didnt want to go breaking any rules.

30-10-06, 12:08
Iam Amazed by this[Wow!]
I have just watched the wildebeest haning a was in the waterhole....[:P]


30-10-06, 12:08
sorry bad grammer they are having a wash


piglits pal
30-10-06, 12:21
Fantastic - just watched some gazelle type thingys having a drink. :D

30-10-06, 13:32
Thank you for posting this, I find both watching the animals and the sound relaxing. :)

Heather x

30-10-06, 15:43
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">I was going to post about it before but I wasnt sure if it was acceptable to post about other web sites and as I am fairly new to here I didnt want to go breaking any rules.

<div align="right">Originally posted by spock1 - 29 October 2006 : 22:22:15</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">


Everyone is free to post links to any sites on here that they think will help others or are of relevance so you haven't done anything wrong atall.

People will forget what you said
People will forget what you did
But people will never forget how you made them feel


30-10-06, 16:35
I've been watching it on and off throughout the day and so far i've seen Zebra's, Baboons, Warthogs, a Hyeena and Wilderbeest. At the moment it's raining heavily and thundering and the noise of the rain falling in the pool is very relaxing.

31-10-06, 03:20
I am so glad it is bringing so much pleasure to people sloppy cow that I am I sat in tears reading about how much you're all enjoying it Im still struggling to get my daughter to see sense so this is my little haven of escape

31-10-06, 13:43
i thank you too,havin bad time at the mo so it is lovely to be distracted!You not a sloppy cow ,you lovely and caring and thoughtful,now i am blubbing too!!!!Heyit's good to share !Love mary rose.xxxxxxxxxxxx

we are all in the same boat and can guide each other ashore

31-10-06, 15:26
I got a duck. well... he's a lovely duck, though.

31-10-06, 15:45
omg, i just watched a bird land on a gazelle-ish thing and then the gazelle-ish thing walked off with a bird on his bum! Hee-hee! :)

piglits pal
31-10-06, 16:11
I got a giraffe. [8D]

31-10-06, 17:26
Giraffe??! I'm jealous. :)

But I think I just saw a hyena.

31-10-06, 21:00
Hi Spock,

Hope you are feeling a little better? and you are not a sloppy cow you are human and lovely and kind I am loving this web so is my son he keeps asking what animals I'm watching now we watched the elephant together.

Piglets pal a giraffe oh lucky you.


Mel xxx

31-10-06, 21:06
Yes, spock, I can't tell you what joy I've gotten from this link today!!! Thank you so much! [8D]

31-10-06, 23:39
I am soooo glad that I am able to give you all so much pleasure.... hmmm that doesnt sound good lol oh well those without such a rude mind will no what I mean. anyway Im glad its helping you all

some get a kick out of champagne, I get a kick helping others out of their pain my new phrase I made up last night daft huh

piglits pal
01-11-06, 08:26
The giraffe was beautiful. :D

Had warthogs having a mudbath also yesterday and a hyena last night.

Just birdsong so far this morning but it is so relaxing just to sit and listen to i. [^]

piglits pal
01-11-06, 11:01
OK what ate all the animals? [V]

01-11-06, 14:20
Damned One-eyed, one-horned flying purple critter eater. Where ARE they all today??? [V]

01-11-06, 14:26
I was wondering the same piglits pal and creatrix They have gone all shy on us today[V]

Mel xxx

01-11-06, 14:31
are you guys having trouble with the cam today? my birds keep going silent.

01-11-06, 14:41
Hi creatrix,

I think the site may be having difficulties it keeps discounting form the media and thats why we are losing our bird noises.

Mel xxx

piglits pal
01-11-06, 15:49
Quick! Baboons! :D

01-11-06, 15:54
i KNOW!! COOL!!!

01-11-06, 16:06
BABY baboons!!!

piglits pal
01-11-06, 16:30
Hyenas!!! [8D]

Thank you Spock1 from a friend of mine who's son is currently doing a school project on Africa. They had the webcam up at school today and loved it.:D

01-11-06, 16:43
Look at us... we're all sitting around (I'm at work) doing happy little critter dances! :D

piglits pal
02-11-06, 08:51
Nothing like watching a pretty duck early in the morning to lift the soul. [8D]

02-11-06, 12:55
antlered thing grooming with a bird on his back! :)

I found this one, too. It's a bit clearer at night - last night (yesterday) I saw a crocodile with the most amazing green eyes! There are antlered things there now. :)


02-11-06, 13:00
warthogs on the national geographic one!! They're rolling in the mud. [8D]

piglits pal
02-11-06, 14:36
Wow - two webcams.

I'll never get anything done now. [^]

02-11-06, 20:31
Yeah - me either. I just saw a hyena taking a swim... he was so cute and I swear he was smiling!

02-11-06, 20:44
and mating elephants! With a bit more clarity that I actually needed... LOL.

03-11-06, 00:05
well....i see the watering hole, and the water, and a few trees, but that is it so far. i added the site to my favorites so i will check back frequently. it is probably the middle of the night there anyway. thanks for the hook-up.


piglits pal
03-11-06, 08:15
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">and mating elephants! With a bit more clarity that I actually needed... LOL.

<div align="right">Originally posted by creatrix - 02 November 2006 : 20:44:37</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">


Got the back end of a wildebeast. :D

03-11-06, 08:30
Hi Spoky1 :D

Just want to say, thank you sooo much for posting this, its great [^]:D[8D][8D][8D]

Ohhh I can see myself there with a deck chair, taking in all that sun :D:D watching the monkeys this morning, [8D]



piglits pal
03-11-06, 09:12
Quick! Giraffe right now!

piglits pal
03-11-06, 12:01
Now there's a warthog just flopped down in the mud. Just chillin'

This is a real privilege to be able to sit and watch this all as it happens. [8D]

03-11-06, 13:45
Quack. Duckie. :)

ooh... and a little black bird.

and Baboon!! They're just walking on screen while I type!

03-11-06, 13:55
Oh quick baby baboons playing ohhhhhhhh how lovely!!!


03-11-06, 14:40
yes, the babies were sooo cute! And now there are antelope type things and wildebeests.

piglits pal
03-11-06, 15:50
Wow. Who needs David Attenborough.

You can make up your own commentary for the baby baboons. [8D]

03-11-06, 15:53
Yeah - I saw the sweetest baboon moment. there was an older baby baboon picking on a teeny tiny baby & along came papa... one BIG baboon... and broke it up and then he comforted the tiny one... it was so cute.

08-11-06, 00:55
hi everyone sorry I havent been about for a while but Im having mega problems with staying connected to internet (Im with aol) Im losing connection on average roughly every 10-15 mins although sometimes if Im lucky I can go 20 mins Ive contacted aol who say theres no problem their end bt say same thing??? this and the hassles with my daughter etc is driving me to tears

08-11-06, 13:26
aw, spock... I'm sorry to hear you're in such a state! aol is such a pain... i remember from when i had it.

i hope things with your daughter mellow out soon. In the meantime, maybe you can catch a sweet baboon moment or somethig?

piglits pal
08-11-06, 16:10
I caught a sweet moment earlier. A tiny baby deer/gazelle thing - all legs, just like Bambi. :D

08-11-06, 17:07
There are elephants on this one now:


That's the nat'l geographic one.

09-11-06, 16:57
hi all Im back but not sure for how long as this darn disconnection thing is still going on as for my daughter well she's 16 going on 12, she has just had a baby but because of her immaturity and the fact that she drank and smoked including pot, the social services were watching her like a hawk then when she went into labour she demanded a c. section and was not at all impressed when the midwife said that the only way they would do a c. section would be if either of their lives were at risk or if baby was in distress, then when she had almost got the head out she said it was too painful and wrapped her legs closed tight and refused to push and breathed heavily on the gas and air so they had to knock her out and deliver him by forceps, then all she had to do was keep baby, herself and her bed area clean and tidy, but she was very abusive to staff and left dirty knickers etc. around her bed area so the soc. serv. got an emergency order and took him away, since then she has been behaving at contacts but recently starting getting drunk with friends again so I told the soc. services and now she has said that she is determined to get her son back and then she has said I will never see him again and that if he comes to see me when he's older she will disown him!!!! the soc serv have given me forms to fill in so I can be assessed but even though Id be thrilled to look after him it is also fraught with problems due to her attitude towards me, sorry for such a long and miserable post but this is only the tip of the iceberg of hassle Im having to deal with right now.

09-11-06, 17:43
So spock, are you considering adopting your grandson? This must be very hard for you! Does your daughter have a developmental problem or has she just not matured at the same pace as most children? Is the father at all involved? I can imagine yopu must be in a right fit over all of this. My thoughts are with you!


09-11-06, 18:07
hi creatrix I am a single parent due to the fact that I was the victim of a date rape, something that I have only recently been able to speak about, as for my daughter she has been sexually active since she was about 11, she went into care at 10, she isnt even sure who the father is really.

09-11-06, 18:36
That must be so incomprehensibly difficult. My little cousin was a date rape victim at the age of 14. I can't imagine how even someone without anxiety issues would handle the situation you are in, so I give you much credit for struggling through as well as you are. Your daughter and her baby are in my thoughts now, too. I hope she is able to be a good mother to him and to allow you into his life. She's at that age where even in the best of circumstances we are rash and fight with our parents, so hopefully things will calm down as she ages.

10-11-06, 01:48
social services have sent me the forms to fill out to be considered and assessed for being gaurdian to my grandson, yet my daughter has just now sent me a taxt saying that she and social services had decided that it would not be best for me to have contact with him???

10-11-06, 13:00
my world has come crashing around me as Ive jusst spoke top the social woorker and it turns out that at thhe meeting yesterday she tolsd them that she didnt want me to have any contact with my grandson so they have had to cancel the arangements they were doing so now it looks like the only way I will get ytop see him now is by going to court against her

10-11-06, 13:36
oh, spock, i'm sooo sorry! have you been able to speak with your daughter at all? does she not live with you any more? my heart is breaking for you... hang in there, okay?

11-11-06, 16:08
my daughter doesnt live with me the social services put her in a flat which they pay the rent on til she's 18 , I dont feel able to talk to her as she has called me some very unsavoury names by text and has said that if she has her way I will never see my grandson again, I spoke to the social worker yesterday about it and she said to still fill in the forms that will when processed put me forward to be assessed for being the guardian for my grandson which will probably make the situ even worse if I am accepted, Im really at my wits end with all this and the connection prob. :(

12-11-06, 16:56
hi all Im still having connection problems although they seem to be more frequent on the sign in page of aol?? internet explorer seems to stay on a bit longer although that inevitably crashes too but at least it gives me a bit more time to try and post etc, I just had a look at the grizzly cam http://www.wavelit.com/?ch=Wildlife&sh=grizzlybears and they've had a really heavy snowfall during the night it looks really christmassy, I still have the hassle with my daughter and am going to see my solictor on tuesday to talk about my going to court for contact I just wish I didnt have to do things this way, I dont understand why she has to be so vicious.

17-11-06, 00:10
Im still getting probs with daughter etc and now having problems sorting a potential lovely evening out that Im so close to cancelling but just thought Id tell those that are still awake that the waterhole has been invaded it seems their all thirsty tonight

23-11-06, 13:46
just thought Id let those who love monkeys know that there are a few varying types on the africam

23-11-06, 13:54
typical I post about the monkeys and the camera op. has panned back to the waterhole hmmm oh well maybe they will go back to the monkeys again in a minute

24-11-06, 15:50
just to let you all know the baboons are back with a few friends with them which is good news I on the other hand am having a really hard time as events have taken a turn for the worse but I wont spoil the post by writing about it here

26-11-06, 00:24
hi all I hope the africam is still helping to cheer some people up Im afraid my situation has gone well beyond being helped by something like this this now, in fact apart from posting about the monkeys I havent done much else but cry over the past couple of days or so, and my stress levels have gone through the roof and my mood has sunk below sea level.

13-12-06, 23:51
well its been a while since I posted on here, things havent really changed with my daughter, she is now dating a 25 yr old (she's only almost 17) I dont suppose he will stick around too long as none of her boyfriends seem to have lasted longer than a month or so at the longest, I did try and mend the bridges but it didnt work as she almost immediatly started hinting at needing money for something, then when that didnt work she started going on about the great contacts she's having with her son and how much Im missing, so I am now concentrating on getting my organisation for abused children up and running, I havent given up on my grandson but as that is going to take time Im concentrating on my soon to be (hopefully) charity for abused children and families to get councelling and advice etc. I am starting the money raising by trying to get a book together filled with poems, verses, short stories etc from other people who have either been abused or who have had a child abused, they can be submitted annon if wished and all the money raised from the book will go towards the camp to give counselling to abused children. I have put a new thread on this board about this if anyone wants to check it out.

07-01-07, 02:29
just in case you havent checked on this site for a while, the internal bear cam is also up and running now too although obviously now they are hibernating so there's not a lot to see other than the 2 bears sleeping, but who knows they do sometimes wake for short periods during hibernation.
I am still desperately trying to get enough material together for the book I hope to have published to help abused children, if you or someone you know could possibly help (you can stay totally anon. if you want) please check out my other thread on this forum about it all thanks.