View Full Version : Tension!!! Arghhhh

07-10-13, 04:36
Hi everyone just need a bit of input from you. :-)

I have suffered with anxiety for about 15 years. I have had highs and lows. I am currently doing ok.. Anxiety at a minimum really. However I sometimes feel a build up of tension in my body. It's Wierd. Instead of shaking I get like a wound up tense feeling.. It can last hours.. But as alwAys the more you think about it the worse I feel. Could this be linked to caffeine? I have very little but could the odd coffee trigger this? I would love to hear your experiences xx:wacko:

07-10-13, 10:26
Definitely could be linked to caffiene or even sugar! Some of us are just that bit more sensitive to these things. I feel totally wired if I drink tea on a regular basis, and if I put sugar in it then I can feel out of this world. I know what you mean about that manic tense feeling in your body lasting for hours on end.

Try cutting out caffeine and reducing the sugar for a while and see if it helps you.

Watch for caffeine in the things you're eating & drinking - for example chocolate and green tea both contain caffeine. It's not just tea/coffee/energy drinks that affect us.

To help you unwind it might be good to introduce a relaxation exercise into your daily routine somewhere - a short breathing exercise or a couple of minues meditation - it will help you come back from that tense place if combined with avoiding caffine & too much sugar :)

07-10-13, 11:04
Caffeine does bad things to me so I cut it out for a while and slowly introduce it back.

07-10-13, 22:21
Thanks guys.. I am going to do all of those things.. Your messages made me feel normal and better.. The tension has eased lots. Thankyou xxxx