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View Full Version : Having tooth out with severe anxiety?

07-10-13, 07:18
Hi guys,

I was just wondering what people's experiences were from having a tooth out? I've had one out before, but for some reason this time I am sooo anxious about it, maybe it's because I know what's coming. I also have a phobia of fainting, and felt faint after I had the last one out. The tooth is causing me worse pain than when I was in labour (I'd rather be in labour to be honest!).

Is there anyway I would be able to get general anesthetic? Has anyone else had theirs out under it and what is the procedure to get it (I know they only do it under exceptional circumstances and for wisdom teeth usually).

I did look at the sedation but being on other medication and generally out of control makes me anxious too! lol.



08-10-13, 00:03
I was terrified about having wisdom tooth out, I got sedated two weeks ago and it felt like a general because I haven't a clue what happened I just remember sitting in waiting area to go home and feeling a bit of a drunk feeling! Nothing to it and I worry over everything even taking paracetamol!

26-10-13, 17:25
Hi guys,

I was just wondering what people's experiences were from having a tooth out? I've had one out before, but for some reason this time I am sooo anxious about it, maybe it's because I know what's coming. I also have a phobia of fainting, and felt faint after I had the last one out. The tooth is causing me worse pain than when I was in labour (I'd rather be in labour to be honest!).

Is there anyway I would be able to get general anesthetic? Has anyone else had theirs out under it and what is the procedure to get it (I know they only do it under exceptional circumstances and for wisdom teeth usually).

I did look at the sedation but being on other medication and generally out of control makes me anxious too! lol.



I find the injections they give simply do not numb my nerves properly. The last time I had anything done (an extraction) I decided to have 'IV sedation'. Having the sedation was almost as good as a general anesthetic because I don't really recall what happened.

Downsides are you have to take someone with you to drive you home and look after you in the evening. The sedation itself requires an injection. And it didn't come cheap... over £100 and that was with an NHS dentist.

26-10-13, 22:18
Tooth extractions are very quick and simple. Once the local anaesthetic has begun working the dentist pulls it out, you won't feel anything other than a slight tug. I had two teeth out for my braces under a local and I don't remember any pain.

I would speak to your dentist, tell them that you're anxious because, believe me, you're not the only one! They'll talk you through the whole process, before and during, and you can tell them to slow down if you want.

26-10-13, 22:59
Tooth extractions are very quick and simple. Once the local anaesthetic has begun working the dentist pulls it out, you won't feel anything other than a slight tug. I had two teeth out for my braces under a local and I don't remember any pain.

I would speak to your dentist, tell them that you're anxious because, believe me, you're not the only one! They'll talk you through the whole process, before and during, and you can tell them to slow down if you want.

Rennie I wish mine had been that easy..It took over an hour and it still wasn't out, I had to be referred to the hospital and it took over an hour there but I will say my experience was quite rare and most do come out easily as you say.
Since that experience I had sedation the last time and I don't remember a thing about it. Apparently I was telling my daughter I wanted a full English breakfast at her wedding reception as I was coming round :D I would recommend the sedation.

27-10-13, 11:27
Tooth extractions are very quick and simple. Once the local anaesthetic has begun working the dentist pulls it out, you won't feel anything other than a slight tug. I had two teeth out for my braces under a local and I don't remember any pain.

I would speak to your dentist, tell them that you're anxious because, believe me, you're not the only one! They'll talk you through the whole process, before and during, and you can tell them to slow down if you want.
I'm glad your experience was nice and easy but that is not the case for everyone.
They are not always 'quick and simple'. Sometimes they can be long and complex; it depends on the position of the tooth. My dentist told me I would need to go to the dental hospital and have a general to have one of my very back teeth (don't know the name) removed, as the position of the tooth is awkward and may require cutting the gum and so on.

Also, the local injections do not work for everyone.