View Full Version : Tooth Infection?

07-10-13, 08:44
I have recently cut a wisdom tooth and until now it has given me no bother. However recently I have had a sore cheek and yesterday my jaw was a little sore and I struggled to open it. Today it's worse and even just eating a banana was difficult. I've googled this and it could be an infection.
my cheek feels quite swollen although my partner is saying it isn't.
Should I go to the doctors or the dentist?
Also I have a bit of a few we of antibiotics due to me being allergic to penicillin.

07-10-13, 14:52
Well I got an emergency appointment and basically they couldn't find anything. Dentist said it looks like a jaw injury and to apply heat and use ibuprofen. She asked if I clench my jaw which I'm sure I don't but u suppose I may whilst sleeping. Hmmm

07-10-13, 14:56
Hope it feels better soon. Like you I'm allergic to penicillin so dental antibiotics can be a nightmare the most popular two alternatives make me very ill

I had something similar to what you describe and it was from grinding my teeth. Something I didn't know I did. Luckily only had it once

07-10-13, 18:56
Thanks Bernie. By any chance did your cheek swell too?
dentist recommended Ibuprofen which do help but it's soooo uncomfortable when I am eating. Hope it doesn't last too long.

07-10-13, 21:12
Hi KeeKee,

I am wondering if you have a touch of TMJ flare up and tenderness. This is when you clench your teeth (often without realising it) usually during the night during sleep. I suffer with this and it can really make your jaw very painful and sore, as if you have a dental problem/bad tooth.

As long as the dentist is certain there is no tooth issue, i would second what they said about heat and Ibruprofen. When I get this I make an effort not to clench my teeth during the day, and take some anti-inflammatory meds like Ibruprofen, and it does calm down.

Unfortunately, TMJ can be another lovely physical effect of anxiety, sigh.:wacko:

Hope it settles down for you soon.x

08-10-13, 11:21
Thanks Debs I've just seen your reply. Having googled TMJ I agree this is probably what it is. I don't grind my teeth whilst awake though so if this ever comes back again, I may think of purchasing a bite plate as its very uncomfortable. I'm now on day 3 of being unable to open jaw even enough to fit a tooth brush in straight.
Ibuprofen certainly helps but not when I am chewing unfortunately.
On the bright side I've been wanting to lose weight for ages so hopefully I might drop a few lbs with not being able to eat crunchy foods hehe. Didn't stop me from eating a chocolate bar last night though as a treat for being 'poorly'.

08-10-13, 11:54
Dr Google can't see your tooth, if you're concerned see a dentist.