View Full Version : Restless arms feeling :(

07-10-13, 17:41
I don't kno what to do with myself ATM so last night I went out I was fine all night when distracted with friends / but today at work horrible head foggy bubble tension headache and no heavy restless in the verge of pins and needles arms :(

I've not fled normal for a year nie I have good and bad days but the doctor just wants me to accept anxiety and stop going on about ms / one clear MRI was enough for him and I wish it was enough for me but I've just never felt do terrible and I can't accept it's anxiety I'm convinced it's ms and if they did another scan now a few months later it would show

How do I get better and feel human again :(

07-10-13, 17:59
I see no signs of ms there. I see signs of anxiety. i think if you actually had ms, you would have other symptoms and signs. Loss of bladder control, problems visualising colour.

I also assume, you are still having the same symptoms you had when you went for the scan?

Incidentally my aunt was diagnosed with MS 20 years ago and she hasn't had an attack since. They adapted the bathroom, so it was moved downstairs and she outlived my uncle.

Have you been offered cBT?

07-10-13, 18:27
Yea I need to call the place and set it up / the worst symptoms I had started in aug last year and it was dizziness and then ear problems like everyone's voice sounded weird and then agonising burning skin!!! All on my legs - then I had the MRI after than the burning rarely happens - I get buzzing in my foot here n there but worst thing ATM Is the feeling in my arms and even worse a fuzzy headache and black floaters in my eyes, optician and doc say floaters aren't a symptom so I guess I have to believe them but it seems a coincidence - I have 2 ppl in the family with it (one I watched worsen and die) so the dr thinks it's really affected me :(

07-10-13, 18:44
Yes you definitely need to set up the cbt

I've heard anxiety can cause burning sensation, it's quite common. The thing is you haven't given any other symptoms that aren't anxiety related. Numbness, buzzing, floaters, they are all what half of us are experiencing on here. I can tell you my left leg is numb from the knee down as I type this.

I get why you are worried, I've worked with people with ms and it's not an easy condition to live with by any means and ultimately it's not an ideal way to go and very unpleasant for families who have to watch their loved ones go through that. Of course you would attribute any symptom to ms, but it is also highly likely and much more probable, that you are suffering from anxiety than anything else.

07-10-13, 18:52
Is it a feeling like you need to streach but stretching doesn't help?