View Full Version : several fears

07-10-13, 17:50
hi everyone. i'm new here.

i think i'm suffering from anxiety...i always think i have a super serious condition even though it's usually nothing. it all started about a month ago...i had just gotten into a car accident and was having a lot of problems with my boo thang and finally i think i broke down.

i've been feeling very spacey, and lightheaded, and generally disinterested in everything in the world. also...i had been having bad back pain from my scoliosis surgery last summer and it had gone away but now it's back. do any of you suffer all these things just from anxiety?

i also just went to the doctor for all my bloodwork/annual pap smear etc so that has me anxious as well.

idk if it's common but i just get so worked up thinking i might be dying and i won't see my family and how bad my mom would take it.

i guess i'm just looking for reassurance.

07-10-13, 18:02
You're not alone in this Vally. We all kinda worry to some degree (about our health), just that some of us are more anxious than others.

I'm no better - had a scare at the weekend and I've been behaving (ever since) like I've been handed the worlds worst news. I know that (my) anxiety disorder is the bigger problem here, and that my sub-conscious is ruling my conscious.

For my part I don't tend to dwell on health stuff so this new fear is exactly that - new, and I'm hating how it's making me feel. <<< I'm sharing so that you can see that we're all vulnerable and can freak out, whether or not we should be.

First of all share your thoughts and feelings with someone that can provide physical help - your mom, doctor? Get a diagnosis. Anxiety/depression can be treated - I'm just starting with my treatment now. I don't feel great either but at least I know someone's listened.

I hope some of this is helping Vally? :hugs: