View Full Version : Eugh why did I read it.

07-10-13, 18:49
Daily mail again. Knocked the iPad and opened the wrong article on my iPad and this poor girl died at 23 with a sudden cardiac problem.
Somebody in the comments then went on to say one of their friends sons went to sleep and never got up. It's seriously deflated me.
I mean I've had two ecgs this year and never had anything like that flag up and everything has been completely normal but honestly has got me feeling a little crappy now.:lac::mad::doh:

07-10-13, 18:58
But that doesn't mean it is going to happen to you though does it?

People die every day of one thing or another it is how you deal with it that is important.

Don't let the what if it happens to me thoughts creep in

Live life !

07-10-13, 19:00
Ha. I just posted about this on my other thread, how I started to feel better about my heart/cholesterol/aneyursm etc fears and how I'm probably too young (22) and I log on to see healthy 23 year old drops dead of sudden cardiac death.

I also read the comment about the boy who went to sleep and never woke up, i'm worried again now! Im now back to square one, why do we do it to ourselves?

07-10-13, 19:03
Nope I have almost got my what ifs under control now thanks to me CBT sessions. It's just been a while since I came across one of those sort of stories and it's just got to me that's all. I kinda know DM miss out details in their stories too but I still get the odd bad moments where I think the worst.

---------- Post added at 19:03 ---------- Previous post was at 19:01 ----------

Oh I know Roxy. I am the same. I'm almost 25. Saying that my HA originally started because of my fear to go to sleep, strange. I'm over the worst of my HA but these stories still effect me now and then.

07-10-13, 19:04
These incidents are extremely rare and that is why they make it into the newspapers. If it was a regular thing you wouldn't even hear about it so forget it and enjoy life like Nic says :)

07-10-13, 19:05
Yeah that is true Annie I guess I didn't think if it like that.

07-10-13, 19:20
I went through a stage of being scared to sleep, some nights I just laid awake all night, which isn't wise when you work and have a very active 14 month old to look after!

Now I dont like staying up because if something happens to me I'd rather not know lol. I always think its rare that's why ita in the paper, but that doesnt help when my next thought is but it has to be someone

07-10-13, 19:27
Daily mail has cause me a lot of problems in the past, I did try and stay clear of this online paper for a couple of weeks. over the last month I have slipped back into my old habits.
I have feared the c word a number of times and must have read at least 2,000 different articles from bowel, testicular, lung, brain tumours etc for people in my age group.

Like Annie has said these incidents are rare.

07-10-13, 19:30
Yeah I forced myself to stay awake, which then caused me to get insomnia months and months of not sleeping,then it all spiralled out of control. Most of the time I'm good, I even work in a GP surgery doing all the referrals lol. But I still get a little niggling thought at the back of my head. It's weird I read them and get an image of my loved ones being upset, that's what gets me the most x

07-10-13, 20:41
If we were to all believe and follow everything that's in the media, we'd all be in bed, rolled in cotton wool for life :wacko:

What we have to try and do is to rationalize it :)

As had been said, these incidents are very, very rare, it's just that when they do happen, it hits the headlines and the media make such a big issue out of it that they have us all believing that it's as common as a cold!!! :lac:

The chances of these very, very rare incidents happening to us, is highly unlikely :)

Remember, papers like to sell papers, the same as magazines, so the headlines are always super big, super in your face and super dramatic :ohmy:

The one thing that's certain in life, is that we're all going to die one day, none of us can avoid that or do anything about it, but, life is life, it's for living, something might happen to us, yes, but is it really worth frightening ourselves about things that we'd have no control over anyway?

Believe me, life goes all too quick anyway, enjoy it, every minute of it, switch your thinking to "living" rather than "dying" Life is good :yesyes: :hugs:

07-10-13, 21:14
Yeah great advice by all. I'm pleased how much I progressed since my successful CBT sessions before that I'd be staging a no sleep session again. I've even got the drawings they gave me on my notice board as a constant reminder, I guess I'm more annoyed at myself for coming across it in the first place. X