View Full Version : Feeling like I'm not all there/brain dead

07-10-13, 19:06
I hate this feeling. It's like I feel removed from everything, even my body. I feel like I'm just watching myself.

I'm a very on edge person, and even jump on eye contact. So this indicates my high anxiety level.

The feeling of 'not being with it' just never seems to subside though. It's like someones lobotomized me. I cant concentrate, all I can think of is how I feel.

In short I feel like I'm a retard..

Please say another person can relate.:weep:

07-10-13, 19:09
Have a search for depersonalisation or derealisation on the search facility ^^^^^^ you will find that there are plenty of problems with the same issue.

It was (and still is) one of my major panic attack triggers and yes mine was 24/7 too!

07-10-13, 19:16
Mine was 24/7 too but there is light at the end of the tunnel.

07-10-13, 19:16
Cmack, yes, I CAN relate!

I've been struggling with the same, and it feels horrible, I know. It won't last forever, i promise. You aren't going crazy, you are still you, and you are not gonna lose touch with reality. You're just highly anxious.

As venusbluejeans mentioned, this is depersonalisation/derealisation you are experiencing, and it is very common with anxiety. Are you on meds right now? Recently started meds?

If you are able to treat/manage the anxiety levels you are having, the dep/der will calm down and usually pass.

Mine flared up with a relapse of my anxiety and panic over the last couple of weeks or so, but it is calming down a bit with restarting meds.

I promise you that it can be got rid of/overcome.:hugs:

07-10-13, 19:23
Cmack, yes, I CAN relate!

I've been struggling with the same, and it feels horrible, I know. It won't last forever, i promise. You aren't going crazy, you are still you, and you are not gonna lose touch with reality. You're just highly anxious.

As venusbluejeans mentioned, this is depersonalisation/derealisation you are experiencing, and it is very common with anxiety. Are you on meds right now? Recently started meds?

If you are able to treat/manage the anxiety levels you are having, the dep/der will calm down and usually pass.

Mine flared up with a relapse of my anxiety and panic over the last couple of weeks or so, but it is calming down a bit with restarting meds.

I promise you that it can be got rid of/overcome.:hugs:

Thankyou so much for the replies, people. It's so hard for me to accept this... I used to be a bright young man. I'm still only 23, but I cant cope with feeling removed from my self and feeling retarded and detached all the time.

I am on meds, yes. I currently take Pregabalin and Propranalol. As for the Pregabalin, I think It's making it worse! At first it was a God send, I was talkative, really, really happy and just able to enjoy life. Now tolerance has kicked it and it's having little if not, no effect anymore.

Propranalol is OK; it stops my heart from racing, but doesn't stop me from feeling nervous.
What meds are you on currently??

07-10-13, 19:27
Quite agree this is an awful feeling and very common...I always like to say it's your minds way of protecting you from external stimulus that may trigger anxiety.

I rarely get it now unless I am out somewhere big and busy.

My therapist said that to help you should try to alert the 'senses' in some way....taste, touch, smell, hearing etc. So, blast out the music, sit and pop some bubble wrap with a nice smelly candle burning....or something like that!! :D

It will get better. Kitti :)

07-10-13, 19:29
I'm on Escitalopram (Cipralex) 10mg daily, Cmack. It is one of the SSRI drugs, and I find it very good for my anxiety and panic attacks.

I am wondering if it might be worth a discussion with your doc about the way you are feeling and the med not helping much? I can highly recommend Cip. Each time I have had bad anxiety I get depersonalisation symptoms, and within a short space of time they have gone with the Cip. x

07-10-13, 19:53
I'm on Escitalopram (Cipralex) 10mg daily, Cmack. It is one of the SSRI drugs, and I find it very good for my anxiety and panic attacks.

I am wondering if it might be worth a discussion with your doc about the way you are feeling and the med not helping much? I can highly recommend Cip. Each time I have had bad anxiety I get depersonalisation symptoms, and within a short space of time they have gone with the Cip. x

I'm apprehensive about starting SSRIs again as the ones I've taken: Citalopram and another one that I can't remember the name of made me REALLY apathitic and turned me into even more of a zombie. Does this not happen to you? I will ask my Doc what he thinks and will deffo give it a try soon:)

07-10-13, 20:57
Sorry for the late reply, Cmack!

I have to say, when I first start the Cipralex it does knock me out a bit in terms of sleep, but I think for me that is a Godsend as my body clock is screwed from working just nights for many years, so it is nice to get a good sleep! I do feel more relaxed on the meds, but thankfully not zombie like, and am still able to function in the day and do stuff. Maybe it depends on the dose. I would imagine higher doses increase the drowsiness, etc. I have started back on meds at 5mg and have now just increased to my usual 10mg, which works fine for me. I think that 10 - 20mg is the suggested dose for GAD, and I find it does calm mine well. I think it is defo worth a chat with your doc.:)

10-10-13, 22:13
I've had this derealisation for years and i cant get rid of it now that i have panic too it has got worse. Its so frustrating