View Full Version : Burst into tears

Female healthanxiety
07-10-13, 19:34
Thanks for opening my post, means a lot.....

I have had the worst day in a long time with my HA today.

It all started when I got a rib cage pain on my left side; must admit it did subside when I went number 2!

Have been at work all day by myself as my colleague is on holiday.

On the way home I was driving and felt really anxious; like I needed to get out of the car and run away from how I felt.

I suffer with cold feet a lot in the colder weather and this always make me anxious, as they sometimes go numb.

So of course while driving I was thinking what if I had a heart attack or stroke! :-(

As could feel I was shallow breathing and tried to deep breath a much as I can while driving in rush hour traffic; I could not wait to get home.

I came home and no one was in and of course I felt anxious, and am even scared to get in the bath......

:-( replies most welcome.......

07-10-13, 19:39
I am sorry you have had a bad day. It sounds to me like a nice relaxing bath would do you good. If you really can't face the bath then just get yourself something to eat and listen to some relaxing music :hugs:

07-10-13, 19:47
I'm sorry your having a hard time, I do know how you feel and it's horrible. I can't really say anything to make you feel better as I cant help myself!!!! Hopefully just knowing other people care and feel the same may help you a little. I try to distract myself, clean the house, walk the dog anything to try and calm my mind down. I really hope as the evening goes on you find some peace, sending you hugs.:hugs:

Female healthanxiety
07-10-13, 19:53
Thank you Annie and Daisy...

I just had a quick bath and felt so anxious that my arm and leg felt numb; I couldn't get out of there quick enough.... Ridiculous!!!!

I feel like a wreck and don't k is if you ever get this but am scared to move or do anything now with the fear of something happening!!!!!!


07-10-13, 19:56
Get some nice relaxing music on and sit or lie down and concentrate on listening to it. Sending you hugs :hugs::hugs::hugs:

07-10-13, 20:01
Ah bless you, it will pass, honestly. You know sometimes when I feel as anxious as you I just sit and cry, somehow it helps. I'm not sure if it just releases tension or diverts your mind. My partner thinks I'm crazy, sat sobbing and when he asks whats wrong, I dont know, but what ever I hope you at least get some restful sleep tonight.

Female healthanxiety
07-10-13, 20:40
Hi Daisy,

Yea my partner came in twenty minutes ok and of course you try to act as normal as possible!!!

I don't think hormones help neither, as if anxiety is not enough to deal with without us having imbalances every month! That's a different story though!!!

I am going to try and eat something, I don't feel tired funny enough, and I'm thinking is my body waiting for something to happen!!!!!


07-10-13, 20:41
Sorry to hear your day was so horrid :(

When I have days like that, when I make it to the end of them I get a nice chamomile tea and get into my pyjamas and veg out watching tv lying on my bed. I find it super relaxing :)

Cold feet is v common, try not to let it bother you, me and my mum both had that all our lives and its done us no harm beyond requiring those extra fluffy bed socks to keep them warm!

If you can't shake the anxiety might be worth a shot seeing if your doc can help... some are v good and really understand, other's don't have much time for HA in my experience.

Let us know how you get on.

Female healthanxiety
07-10-13, 20:45
Hello Tiff

Thank you for taking the time to reply- it really helps in how I feel!

I am going to try and eat; something junky like you've suggested!

It's so horrible; I've never had that feeling in the car while driving, as I could drive that route with my eyes closed; maybe the traffic ahead made my anxiety worse. A panic attack when driving, WITH symptoms is awful!!!!!

Thank you for your advice; think I may have a Guinness, which I know is not the answer but feel I need some iron as a stimulant!


07-10-13, 21:17
Sorry you had such a rubbish day today. I hope your starting to feel abit better. Xx

09-10-13, 12:31
bless you keep yourself strong and think ive had a crap day and tommorow Will be better and hopefully it will