View Full Version : excitement or panic

29-10-06, 11:41
Does any one find that when they are excited they get feelings of panic ?

For example;

I listed a book on amazon for £11.99 and when i got a email saying it had sold and that i should dispatch now, I felt panicky yet really pleased.

When we went to visit the canal in halsall where my ancestors were boat people this week, when we arrived at the canal i felt panicky, yet it was lovely.

I know they say excitement and panic are emotions that give the same feelings but ive never looked into why ?

does anyone have any ideas on this?


29-10-06, 16:29
This has happened to me to,its like we get over excited, I think that anyway!!!!!!![:P]

Ellen XX

29-10-06, 19:00
Mirry this is exactly what happens to me too. When I first started going on ebay my anxiety went through the roof with all the bidding [:I]:D.
I kept at it though and now it is much less - another example of consistent exposure working!!!

Love Piglet xx

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

29-10-06, 20:01
Hi mirry

Me too! Its hard to convince yourself that the excitement is a good feeling, and its not anxiety building.

But they do say some stress is a good thing. The "stress" of excitement is one of the good ones, so I guess the feelings would be similar. We just have too much anxiety (the wrong sort)! Thanks for your post, its got me thinking. :)



30-10-06, 07:07

When I get excited I feel like I am going to panic, but never do, so I guess this must be quite a common thing for us panickers. I sometimes think its because I havent been excited for so long I forget how it feels!

mandy xx

positive attitude brings positive results

30-10-06, 08:01
its got me thinking,

I actually LOVE shopping ,except I do take panic attacks whilst shopping,
could it be the excitement ? that I have mistaken for fear ?

Trouble is, anger gives the same feeling too ?

no wonder im so confused ???[xx(]
