View Full Version : What's happening to me?

07-10-13, 23:14

So you may have noticed I've posted quite a bit over the last few weeks, my anxiety has been at an all time high, constant 24/7.
I have been to the Dr's and I have a problem with my thyroid, I'm not sure what yet the Dr wasn't too sure, I have an appointment with a specialist in December but I'm getting worse. I think.
Now you probably know just as well a I that sometimes real symptoms can be confused with anxiety symptoms, so although I feel rubbish I'm not sure that I actually am! If you know what I mean?

A few of the weirdest symptoms are a weir feeling in my head it comes and goes all day, it's like a rumbling, dizzy head rush that makes me jump everytime it happens, its horrible and makes me feel strange afterwards. I also have a very twitchy body, earlier this evening I couldn't stop it for about a minute but as its been in te forefront of my mind for a while I'm not sure wether its just my anxiety or if its real. I just don't know. Yesterday my arm went so numb I couldn't move it for about 30 seconds. It freake me out and my mum who was here at the time.
But I've had so much anxiety I just don't know what's going on.
I start a new job soon in a hospital I can't wait because its a stepping stone in to a great career but the occupational health won't clear me until I have a diognosis which I understand I don't want to put any patient at risk but thiamin is ruining my life at the moment and I just don't know what to do.
The Dr said wait until I find out whats wrong but that's easier said than done. Even now as I write this I feel terrible, really spacey and off.

I'm worried there is something really wrong and I can't wait till December it's killing me.

Sorry for the moan, just needed to let off some steam to people who can relate.

Hannah x x

08-10-13, 06:50
Medications can cause silly side effects like that. Have you looked into that option? The other way you could combat that is to make a note of when it happens, what you're thinking, and what you're feeling. Then tackle those obstacles.