View Full Version : getting really scared

29-10-06, 12:52
i'm getting really scared cause my blood pressure is 100/65
and my pulse is 49 !!! thats i think to low and i'm really scared that things might shhut down soon. does anyone know how low is to low for the pulse and blood pressure? please !!

heidi (judi)

29-10-06, 13:01

Don't worry too much about low blood pressure- better that than having it too high with all the associated problems. The only real 'danger' with low BP is feeling faint, and in some cases, actually passing out. I'm not sure what the 'threshhold' is, but 100/65 I don't think thats VERY low.

I suggest you make sure you're eating well and see your GP for reassurance. You may need a blood test to check stuff like thyroid function.

Who tested your BP and pulse? Are you sure you haven't always had this and it's just 'the way you are'?

29-10-06, 16:41
Hi have you been testing your self,or is this from your doctor?

Ellen XX

29-10-06, 16:46
That blood pressure reading is fine - very good in fact!

Your body won't shutdown atall.

People will forget what you said
People will forget what you did
But people will never forget how you made them feel
