View Full Version : Having major skipped beats!!!:( can't sleep:(

08-10-13, 00:08
Hi there
I'm not having the best time of it just now:weep: I have many other symptoms but one which is scaring me most is the skipped heart beats. I wonder if anyone can relate? It feels like my heart actually stops for about 2/3 seconds, during that time I'm willing it to beat again and I'm trying to catch my breath as it really takes my breath away. It then thumps hard and slowly then really fast! I have had an ECG which showed no strain on my heart and a monitor but I am sure I pressed the button which scraps the memory because it went back to the beginning on the screen but they didn't get back to me, said it was normal but I don't know how they would have got that information :shrug: does anyone elses feel like this? I feel like my heart won't start again and I'm constantly waiting on the next one. Happens mostly when I'm going off to sleep and I don't drink coffee or fizzy drinks, or alcohol etc. this is so scary and I can't sleep yet I'm up at six for work!!

08-10-13, 03:04
Hey it's ok. They scare me too when they are bad. Sometimes like my heart stopped :(
I've been getting them for years and the bad one like a big thud, skipped beat still can scare me.

Yep a skipped beat can feel like flutter or like you have to cough and it can feel like you lost your breath. Yes I too will my heart beat again n not to stop!

My ECG? Thing wasn't normal it never ever is! But my heart looks fine n nothing dangerous showed up on my tests so I guess it's just plain old palpitations.

They aren't dangerous as far as I know.

I think you can feel them more at night? I don't notice mine much when I'm up
But in bed it can keep me awake. My heart also races so both together are uncomfortable.

Relaxing music or a radio I find helps

08-10-13, 10:21
Thank you for your reply:) I didn't get much sleep last night, in fact, I haven't been able to sleep much lately because of these missed heart beats so I think it is a vicious circle because I think they get worse if tired.
It's strange how your ECG's aren't normal but your heart is fine. No wonder we ask too many questions, nothing seems clear or....understandable...
I get a racing heart, just out of the blue too.
I am off to the doctor today and I'm going to be very firm as I have been having other symptoms too and feelings of being faint. I just want to get my life back. Every thing is falling apart around me.
I hope you are well today?

Daisy Sue
08-10-13, 14:04
Try not to have a full stomach when you go to bed... have a light meal for tea, and also try sleeping on your right side.

I have palpitations too - they are what made me find this forum in the first place - and the two tricks above have helped enormously.

09-10-13, 09:28
Hi Daisy Sue thank you for your advice:) I went to the doctor yesterday and although my heart is fine on an ECG, he reckons because of my symptoms that I might have something called postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (P.O.T.S) but we don't know for certain yet. It's not serious but debilitating but I have to get bloods taken on Friday to rule out other possibilities such as deficiencies etc but I also have to wait on a psychology appointment as he thinks with me having so many scary symptoms through my condition (fibromyalgia) that it doesn't help my anxiety and therefore causes everything to get worse. You're right about food though, I have to get a proper balance as if I'm too full I feel it more but if I'm hungry I feel them too. I slept on my right side last night and managed to get to sleep before two in the morning so thank you :yesyes:

Daisy Sue
09-10-13, 10:38
I'm glad you managed to get a good sleep last night - it makes such a difference :) I went to bed around 3am lol, not because I couldn't sleep.. was talking to a long lost cousin online :)

Good luck with your tests - P.O.T.S. is something I've not heard of before but just looked it up on Google. Sorry to hear you've got fibro too :(

11-10-13, 14:28
Thank you Daisy Sue, got tests done today so just waiting. Going to try and be positive though:)

08-11-13, 13:44
I hope your tests went ok and you got the results you wanted Chili xx

08-11-13, 14:08
Try not to have a full stomach when you go to bed... have a light meal for tea, and also try sleeping on your right side.

I have palpitations too - they are what made me find this forum in the first place - and the two tricks above have helped enormously.

Yep, I totally agree with this. I would try not to eat/ drink to close to bed.

I get them now and then, they are pretty freaky but you are definitely not alone, they are common.

27-12-13, 06:05
Hi I to have had palpitations for 20 years I'm 39 now I've had ECGs and all is clear I suffer with anxiety I've just started medication but I get the palpitations all the time it's like a viscous circle course they make you panic more regards Damian

Catherine S
27-12-13, 12:04
Hi there, hope you are feeling better about things. I have been getting these missed beats for years off and on but they can still floor me if I get a bad run of them lasting a few days or more, even though ive had numerous negative tests over the years. As ive got older ive noticed a definate connection with my stomach though, since my digestive system doesn't seem to tolerate some food like before and if my stomach is irritated this seems to trigger a run of missed beats (something to do with the Vagus nerve being irritated, a large nerve that runs from the base of our brain down to the groin and meanders through various organs on its way!) Having said that, anxiety can trigger them through bad breathing, as can an imbalance in hormones too. Joyful stuff eh?

12-01-17, 08:32
Yalls comments make me feel better in a way.I myself have bad anxiety and the past 2 weeks ive been having what feels like costant heart flutters and chest preasure.Ive been to the hospital multiple times to be checked and everything came out good.But im still paranoid that somthing is wrong or that somthing is going to happen.I know its probably my anxiety but I cant seem to sleep or calm myself down...

12-01-17, 09:47
Things I have found to help with my palps...



Gluten Free diet

Drinking water

Breathing exercises
