View Full Version : Still have these horrid sensations on my left side. Avoided google so far

08-10-13, 00:48
Hi all
You prob all recognise my name now :-/

I am still getting these cold numb like (but not) feelings down the back of my leg and side of my arm. It fluctuates between feeling wet, cold or burning.
I have avoided google for a week. I have tried distraction and had some good days out. But..... I still get the feeling almost constantly!
I can feel twitches all over my body.

Although I know my fear is ALS then MS. But, I'm trying tone rationally.

Do people have this thenselves?if so what helps? Why does it happen?
Is it caused by subconscious stress and anxiety?

Please take the time to comment if u can relate or support in anyway..... I must avoid google x

08-10-13, 01:29
Hi Panicperson - sounds like anxiety to me - it's just not nice and really easy to try and think it could be something worse, but anxiety can cause all of those things. Simply sitting in a bad position can cause numbness and if you're like me, your body probably never relaxes and because you're tense, it can end up hurting physically quite a bit.

On Google - I do a bit of SEO, so I know a little how google works. What i will say is the ultimate goal of most companies out there is to make money (look at the adverts on the side of some of the pages you land on). Unlike your doctor who is trained to be ethical, there is a certain artistic licence out there on the www. Anyone can write anything they want to - just because a website looks professional doesn't mean the information they are doling out is correct (certainly not in any statistical sense at any rate).

I think that the reason websites do "15 causes of your cough type" articles, is because it covers all bases for them, it fills the content, because you can't write a lot about just the common cough caused by a cold and it probably gets them more people landing on the page, which leads to more revenue if they click on the adverts. Of course those types of articles are rediculous, because, there could be 15 causes for a cough, but really, all it's going to achieve is that those who suffer from HA will look at the worst diagnosis. The reality of the cough is that it is probably just a virus and you might as well just of asked your next door neighbour or your goldfish.

When we type in a search term, we forget google is a robot, a clever one but here is a way google see things. If you or I looked at several pages from a website, you would be able to tell by the design and the content that each page is linked. google can't even see that. the web developer actually has to add some code in to let google know it's linked, it would see every page of the internet unrelated otherwise. Apart from it's often terrible advice, which is probably written by someone with as much medical knowledge as you or I, it's not quite as clever as you think.

08-10-13, 07:48
Thanks for your information. I have previously googled these symptoms and it sent me on a depressive cycle. I have avoided it recently, but in away the damage is already done as my mind knows or remembers what I read!
As soon as I open my eyes the strange sensations are there.

08-10-13, 08:12
Hey PP

Years ago one of my brothers was rushed to hospital - heart attack or some such. It was only after hooking him to machines, running tests etc that they discovered he'd suffered a panic attack.

He was unaware of PA's and what they can feel like so was pretty puzzled. It took some time for him to get his head around the whole experience. So saying that we all know how amazing the body is, so it stands to reason it can be just as amazing to the negative.

I am newly diagnosed with anxiety disorder and, quite possibly, health anxiety - though in fairness I did get a good old health shock this Saturday just gone. My GP has prescribed Prozac and long term psychotherapy. Right now I don't feel great but I guess at least something's happening.

For the record I now know all there is to know about 'eye freckles' and, despite the odds, I choose to believe I'm going to be one of the unlucky ones. That's anxiety disorder and Google for you.

Have a big :hugs: and if ever you need to talk :)

08-10-13, 09:20
Just a word of advice: The more you look, the more you will find. Stop trying to look for symptoms of MS and other conditions because you will find them. Accept that whatever symptom you feel is anxiety, the more you tell yourself this the more you'll believe it.

13-10-13, 10:43
Ok, after still feeling strange feeling in my left side especially my leg, I'm trying not to freak!
The twitches are focused in this leg but I do get the odd flicker else where!
My calf feels tight all the time.
Als als als .....running through my brain

If it's not one bloody thing it's another

13-10-13, 15:16
Hi PanicPerson, I used to get tingling sensations and twitches in varies body parts. I did the same google searches and got the same conclusions as you. It turned out to be 100% anxiety. This was a good few years ago now and when I get an odd tingle or twitch now I ignore it and it goes away. However, I am sure if I concentrated on it then I'd get back into the anxiety cycle and develop more. I know it's hard but if you can challenge yourself to ignore it for a week (no ruminating on sensations or google) and say to yourself if it's still there in a week then I'll go to the doctors. I wouldn't be surprised if it goes :hugs:

13-10-13, 18:50
I know I do try that. But I think because I'm so use to body scanning I just feel it and notice it. It's been 3 weeks or more. I booked an appointment but trying to cancel it and think about giving myself longer x

13-10-13, 20:26
Go to ze doctor and find ze issue. Do not google. If they find something no biggie. If they don't, no biggie!

It's probably panic!