View Full Version : Pain in neck and ear

08-10-13, 01:14
I've been having pain on the right side of my neck that runs from my ear down my neck to my shoulder. There is a tiny lump right behind/under my ear and it feels swollen and sore. I've been to the dr and he just said it's a muscle but it's been a few weeks now and it's not getting better. I'm worried it might be something more serious. Help!!!!

08-10-13, 02:58
Are any of your teeth sore? My wisdom tooth made my ear hurt and have me a soft bump behind the ear, I had pains running down my neck.

Sometimes pain can travel.

08-10-13, 03:18
Classic sign of bad posture - that's me. I've been on my computer all day (trying to work). right now all the way from the top of my neck to my left shoulder is in pain. i shouldn't do it, but it brings it on and only going to bed will calm it down. when my anxiety is bad - sometimes that doesn't work.

It's a shame we can't all swap pains, so we can compare, i recon a lot of people would have their minds put at rest.

10-10-13, 16:07
It switches the sides that its on. Sometimes its on the right side then the next day it will be on the left. It's not super painful, more stiff feeling then anything. Sometimes the pain goes up into my temples. I don't think it could be my teeth. I kept my wisdom teeth because i was really young when i got them and the dentist pulled teeth so they would fit. My dr told me taht if the pain doesn't go away he wants me to go for a sonogram of my neck, but that's just more medical bills, but if it does get any worse i think i will go just to be sure.