View Full Version : Hiv anxiety please help, please please

08-10-13, 01:44
I need help. 8 weeks ago, I had a possible hiv exposure. ( I found out horrible things about this guy afterwards). I have been experiencing EVERY symptom, and I mean every one for about 2 months. I am no longer able to focus on anything... school, work, or my daughter. I feel so much guilt. I'm smarter than this, I know better than to have unprotected sex. I spend my days looking at hiv forums and symptoms. I tested negative at 8 weeks. I heard that its very unlikely to change, but I need to go back at 13 weeks to confirm it. I'm so scared. I cant believe that I may have ruined my life. Someone said that my symptoms may be due to stress, but I don't feel like that's possible. Someone, anyone please give me a little piece of mind or encouragement. Have anyone ever gone through this and tested negative? Are my results at 8 weeks reliable?


08-10-13, 06:45
I'm sorry you're going through this. The best course of action is to put this whole thing behind you and leave it up to your test at 13 weeks. Worrying won't speed up the process or alter your results in any way.

It's hard to do but look, you tested negative at 8 weeks - are you going to trust the factual data or are you going to trust your anxiety? Which of them is your better friend and confidant? You will be okay. If its the worst case scenario, you're definitely not dying or anything. Keep living life and try to be strong, okay? We can get ourselves worked up so much sometimes. I suggest some ping pong or whatever floats your boat to get your mind off of it.

Praying for you as well.

08-10-13, 08:28
I've been in your shoes, convinced I had it and of course I didn't..
What's your symptoms ? Xx

08-10-13, 09:00
The only way that you can relax is when you get a HIV test. We can only say so much but you need a test.

08-10-13, 20:36
I am in the same boat with you and I have to wait weeks and weeks to get the negative result which you got. In 8th week its 95% accurate. And I was told that the symptoms appear after hiv turns into aids which takes years
We just need to calm down.. I cant though :(

08-10-13, 23:20
Oral thrush, ulcers, rash, swollen lymph nodes, sore throat, fatigue,night sweats, burning tongue. I try sooooooooo hard to not think about this, but I'll see a red on my arm and them I'm freaking out again. I pray so hard hat I don't have it. I'm graduating college in 2 months but i can't even enjoy this experience because of this. I just hope that I continue to test negative. I have learned my lesson. And thank you to everyone who replied, you seriously have no idea it means that someone actually acknowledged me .

08-10-13, 23:34
You already tested negative and it's very highly likely it will stay that way.

So I'll just send positive thoughts and prayers.

Good Luck!

08-10-13, 23:41
Oh and fever:/

---------- Post added at 14:41 ---------- Previous post was at 14:40 ----------

Thank you. I pray it stays the same as well

09-10-13, 01:22
These symptoms would no way show now.... You have tested negative relax x

09-10-13, 04:22
I'll try to.

10-10-13, 14:08
Alessa16, how are you doing with all of this

10-10-13, 14:35
I try not to stress about it because I've learnt that even if your partner had HIV the chances are still very low. Also you tested negative at 8th week so you should be definitely okay because according to WHO the max limit for an accurate testing is 6 weeks for a healthy person who hasnt cancer or having chemo. They have to wait 3-6 months because of their weak immune system. So try to think positive but I am sure you dont have HIV :hugs: I wish I will get negative at 8th weeks as well!

13-10-13, 00:24
I'm sorry, but I have developed a new symptom. And it starts all over again:/
October 14th makes 12 weeks exactly. But that's not exactly 90 days, should I wait the 90 days before getting tested. I just want to feel better. I have been sick for almost 3 months straight. I can't live like this.

---------- Post added at 15:24 ---------- Previous post was at 13:12 ----------

Thanks Alessa16! I'm sure ur negative as well. Lets hope we both have learned our lesson! Keep me posted with ur progress

18-10-13, 04:06
New day, new symptom :(

21-10-13, 22:17
Oh don't worry! Did you feel relieved when you got the result when you had the negative result? Well think about that feeling! Because it is VERY unlikely that this result will change. You had all the symptoms of it and yet the test was negative. Remember ANXIETY CAN CAUSE FLU LIKE SYMPTOMS! Nightswets are so so so so common! Swollen lymph nodes? Hmmmm you should leave that up to your doctor to check don you check it yourself because to you it might be swollen but it might not! Anxiety also weakens your immune system thats why you might even get these symptoms! Dont worry :) its negative

22-10-13, 00:20
I am a 21 year old female and I have been suffering severely with health anxiety since the beginning of this year. My main focuses were on every type of cancer. I would check myself, find lumps, annoy my friends because the constant panicking. After suffering with this for months I have had counselling sessions and I think I have it under control but now that just means I can move on to the next thing which is HIV. I am a virgin and I have never used any illegal drugs via injection or anything else. However I have recently found out that HIV is possible to transmit through oral sex and this news has just completely ruined my life. I have given blow jobs to about five different guys and none in the last year. I never had anyone ejaculate into my mouth and as I wasn't even aware of what precum was so I am quite sure that this didn't happen either because I would have thought the guy had ejaculated. Then again precum could have been involved. I haven't had any sexual activity in a year and as far as I can remember I don't remember having any early HIV symptoms but then again I wasn't looking for them. My friends are telling me that I am crazy and I don't have HIV, the internet is telling me that the risk is extremely low if not zero but then then I read something very concerning that drives my anxiety insane. I don't think I can take the anxiety of getting tested. I literally think my heart will stop whilst I am waiting for the results. My friends are saying I will be wasting everyone's time by getting tested. I really don't know anyway out if this. I am not sleeping at night, waking up in complete panic. I have physical symptoms of anxiety such as neck pain, dizziness and sickness. Just wonder if anyone has a similar situation to mine? Am I really worrying about nothing and therefore do I need to work on getting over this fear? Or have I really put myself at risk of HIV over the last few years?

22-10-13, 00:28
I am a virgin and I have never used any illegal drugs via injection or anything else..... I haven't had any sexual activity in a year and as far as I can remember I don't remember having any early HIV symptoms.... the risk is extremely low if not zero....I have physical symptoms of anxiety such as neck pain, dizziness and sickness.

Hi Always... I grabbed some key things in your post in the hopes you'll see what I saw when I read it.

Now, that being said, if you're that freaked, then get tested. In the mean time, use common sense in the future and use protection.

Good Luck!

Daisy Sue
22-10-13, 00:32
I would guess that the majority of us have made 'mistakes' in our past regarding physical partners, and are still here to cringe at the memories.

Just regard it as a lesson learned.

22-10-13, 04:07
Hi Hun, I am in same boat as you I have put my self at risk with a guy who I know for a fact is man ho !!! I am also experiencing symptoms, I am also absolutely crippled in fear! However I haven't take the test yet waiting for my friend to arrive so we can go together... I am also in the position that a very close friend of mine has hiv she was knowing infected by her ex partner they were together for around 5 months before she actually caught it... An at 7/8 weeks she tested positive bless her. So the fact you have had a negative test at 8 weeks says a lot. I would be so made up with a negative result at that point I would probably collapse in relief I have recentlyade a post about it if you wish to read it... I'm certain you don't have hiv but just so anyone who reads this knows my friend is in perfect health, no medication living just as she did before, has had a perfectly normal relationship since ... An best of all had a baby who is now 2 who is hiv negative due to careful pregnancy management (pregnancy was a total accident btw) she had had hiv for 4 yrs so for her life goes on xxxx