View Full Version : Worried about on and off lower back pain?

08-10-13, 01:44
Hello guys,

Everyone once in a while I get this excruciating lower back pain, it sometimes is just in the middle of my lower back or it goes right across the lower part. It's probably one of the worst pains I've ever been through.

It rarely happens when I'm off from school for the summer, but it seems like every time I start my practicals at school my back gets very irritated. During my practicals I'm usually placed at a school where I'm walking around all day, so I'm not sure if it's related to that. Some days are worse than others, but I don't really feel too much pain until I get home.

I'm sometimes afraid to sit, it relieves the pain but after I sit for a while I get this HORRIBLE pain when I get up. It almost feels like my lower back is stiff and it needs to be straightened out. After walking around for about 15 minutes it feels better, but during those 15 mins it feels like my back is unable to straighten out although when I look in the mirror it looks fine. Bending forward relieves alot of the pain, but when I bend back wards it makes it worse.

There was a time last year where I had the lower back pain so bad for a week, every time I sat down, even for only a second I would get up and be in horrible pain. My back would feel very stiff, and even right leg felt stiff until I start walking around for a bit. This started happening on and off for about 3 years ago, and I was worried it was like kidney related but since it's on and off I don't think it could be.

Does anyone else get this? :weep:

08-10-13, 02:25
Pilates was really helpful for my posture. One thing that really eased my lower back (although mine was mainly upper back problems), is you lie on your back, bring your knees up to your chest (or as far as) and hug them, then keeping your back flat, gently rock from side to side. that was bliss for me.

I would go to the doctor too.

08-10-13, 04:13
Hello Suki, thanks for the response. I'll keep the Pilates in mind. I tried about the bringing my knees to my chest and it really eases the pain in my back. But as soon as I put my legs back down it hurts again. :(

I was walking up the stairs and the pain started to get worse and worse, my legs are even shaky because it hurts so bad :(

08-10-13, 04:31
I would definately go see a doctor. there are many things you cn put down to anxiety, but it sounds like a little work with a physio would help. If you are put in a particular position for most of the day (stooping over), it can really hurt your back. I think it can have quite a build up effect.

I have certainly had to see an osteopath because the top of my back seized up - that really helped.

08-10-13, 06:41
Anxiety causes lower back pain. It's a very common symptom. If you feel you need to get it checked out then do so, but if you feel as if it's just a bother every now and again, it's probably nothing realistically. Ergonomics play a large part in your back - the spine is a temperamental bugger, but oh so important. We put lots of stress on it every day from the way we stand, sit, kneel, lay...it never ends. So back pain is a part of most everyones' life. Not to minimize your pain, but it would help to not worry about it and see if it goes away when you're not preoccupied with it.

16-10-13, 22:45
Thanks for all your replies. I took Tylenol a few times and the pain went down a lot. It's been gone for about a week now. I still feel it slightly when I lean a certain way or if I've been walking around a lot it worsens a little. I think it may be related to my terrible posture!