View Full Version : mental health team results

08-10-13, 10:45
Had my appt this morning with the CMHT.had hr assesment asked me tins of questions about everything.anyway they decided to put me on a further 5mg olanzipine in the day and continue to take my 5mg at night and my 250 trazadone at night....they are refering me to the chrises team which im waiting in reception now for that date..i hope the increase of olanzipine dsnt make me feel really tired all day and put on any more weight...anyone on 10 mg olanzipine as i will be.

08-10-13, 10:54
You may want to head over to the Medication forum:

You can find some helpful info there.

08-10-13, 11:28
I am pleased that you seem to be getting somewhere Greg and a referral to the crisis team is good news for you. :hugs:

08-10-13, 11:41
Chrises team coming to my sisters at 12 today..my sister was nit impresed that she will be inconvineanced and would have to alow them round to see me.so will be a bit stressful with her sitting there knowing she just wants her tv on

08-10-13, 11:48
let us know how you get on greg.
hope they can help

08-10-13, 11:50
God my sister is so unsuportive.just got in and shes saying its a bloody pain that there coming hear and how she has to stop watching the tv..plus i dont want to descus my isues with my sister sat there hearing everything....i did say to them id walk uoto them but they insisted on coming out to me..so will feel tence and uncomftable now at my sisters..i just dont think my sister understands just how my mental health is really bad..

08-10-13, 11:58
It doesn't matter if she understands Greg - you do and so do the team you're surrounding yourself with. It's probably better they see the reality of your life and lack of support and options.

Good luck :)

08-10-13, 12:03
But what im.saying is.having the chrises team round to a house you dont feel welcome in and having your unsuportive sister sat there knowing she dsnt understand and just wants them to hurry up and go..she is very grumpy and it makes you feel awkward..

08-10-13, 12:03
I hope it goes well with the crisis team...don't hold anything back Greg because your sister is there. Hopefully she will leave the room and leave you to it anyway.

08-10-13, 12:04
Hi Greg

Don't hold back what you say to them just because your sister is there.

I made the mistake in my assessment of not giving the full extent on my issues as I was shy and embarrassed and it ended up with them saying I was being discharged from their services as I wasn't bad enough- please say everything to them.

I really hope it goes well for you xx

08-10-13, 12:34
Hi Greg

Sorry to hear of your bad news with your sister.

Could you not go into your bedroom? I know it's prob only small but there you will be able to open up freely without your sister being there.

You need to tell them everything especially about the situation at home now this is adding to your anxiety very much express this Greg(hence the bedroom)

Goof luck

08-10-13, 12:40
Bedroom is small and if there is two of them it will be tight..ill offer the bedroom and hope they say yes id much rather my sister not be there..she is the sort of person who will judt sit there and not go into her own room i can promis you that..shes just not understanding enough to alow me the space..she wouldnt go and sit on her bed afyer she has made it..i know her to well.

---------- Post added at 12:40 ---------- Previous post was at 12:39 ----------

There allready late..supose to be hear at 12pm its now 12.40

08-10-13, 12:43
Greg they will come. The type of job they have - they're always running late.

08-10-13, 12:49

Don't worry about it being small so what it will show them where you spend most of your hours due to your sister making it hard for you. Do it Greg away from your sister you will feel sooo uncomfortable with her there.

08-10-13, 13:00
Don't hold back what you say to them just because your sister is there.

It's apparent your sister intimidates you. The way I see it is she wants you out. Your own flesh and blood is kicking you out! Think about that! Why in the hell would you give a sh^% what she thinks or hears? This is YOUR life we're talking about and your well being, your health both physical and mental as well as a roof over your head!

Pardon my bluntness but F your sister! Take care of yourself!

Good Luck!

08-10-13, 13:24
Bloody hell..still not hear so i rang them..they told me that they were not coming out to me but will ring me ..the CMHT this morning told me i need to go home as the chrisrs team were coming out to me..bad comunication..no apolagy from the chrises team when i rang them just a stern ( no we wouldnt bebcoming out to you ) we ring first..i rushed home for this appt.stressed

08-10-13, 13:28
Oh Greg, that has caused you unnecessary stress! Did they say when they will ring you?

08-10-13, 13:42
Nope..all she said was...someone will ring soon...even though i told her i was orig told 12pm she just said no it will be soon...and that was it..wasnt very helpful..i found this with the chrises team before they were not very helpful or compasionate

08-10-13, 13:45
Oh good grief these people. Look - contact the CMHT and explain how this has made you feel and ask what the contingency plan is. You need help, you've been offered it so where is it?

Be calm and courteous, no fighting. Their ineptitude is not your problem, it is theirs. You can sort these people out.

08-10-13, 13:50
When the ring Greg, go into your room or outside and tell them everything. Don't let them rush you until you have got something from them. Don't accept no for an answer.

That's typical experience of mht your just a number to some, and they don't realize how the way they treat you sometimes stresses you out. Being kept hanging on, is one

08-10-13, 14:03
Ha ..after all that waiting around 2 hrs late...i just got the phone call..thry asked me to confirm my name..then said....am i able to get to them for 4pm...what a joke...why didnt they tell me this when i was at the CMHT this morning...it was the CMHT that rang them while i was there .then told me they spoke to chrises team while i was sitting there and said they are coming out to me...what a mess.its a long bloody walk to them latter..but i will go.

08-10-13, 14:14
Let us know how you go on Greg :)

08-10-13, 14:32
oh my typical !
good luck for 4pm let us know how you get on